MusicBrainz Releases already linked to Discogs
Cat no
Cat no
Golden Moments from Messiah
Reader’s Digest
RDCD 470
Golden Moments From Messiah
Reader's Digest
RDCD 470
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
Discogs Title
Track Artist
Discogs Duration
1 1 Comfort Ye George Frideric Handel 3:36 1 Comfort Ye Handel
2 2 And the Glory of the Lord George Frideric Handel 3:52 2 And The Glory Of The Lord Handel
3 3 And He Shall Purify George Frideric Handel 3:07 3 And He Shall Purify Handel
4 4 For Unto Us a Child Is Born George Frideric Handel 5:14 4 For Unto Us A Child Is Born Handel
5 5 Pastoral Symphony George Frideric Handel 4:06 5 Pastoral Symphony Handel
6 6 He Shall Feed His Flock Like a Shepherd; Come Unto Him George Frideric Handel 5:51 6 He Shall Feed His Flock - Come Unto Him Handel
7 7 Behold, the Lamb of God George Frideric Handel 4:09 7 Behold, The Lamb Of God Handel
8 8 Hallelujah George Frideric Handel 5:20 8 Hallelujah Handel
9 9 I Know That My Redeemer Liveth George Frideric Handel 7:11 9 I Know That My Redeemer Liveth Handel
10 10 The Trumpet Shall Sound George Frideric Handel 4:23 10 The Trumpet Shall Sound Handel
11 11 Amen George Frideric Handel 4:22 11 Amen Handel
MusicBrainz Releases where no link to Discogs have been found
Cat no
Golden Moments from Messiah
Reader’s Digest
RDC 92140
Media 1: Cassette
Track Artist
1 A1 Comfort Ye George Frideric Handel 3:36
2 A2 And the Glory of the Lord George Frideric Handel 3:52
3 A3 And He Shall Purify George Frideric Handel 3:07
4 A4 For Unto Us a Child Is Born George Frideric Handel 5:14
5 A5 Pastoral Symphony George Frideric Handel 4:06
6 A6 He Shall Feed His Flock - Come Unto Him George Frideric Handel 5:51
7 B1 Behold, the Lamb of God George Frideric Handel 4:09
8 B2 Hallelujah George Frideric Handel 5:20
9 B3 I Know That My Redeemer Liveth George Frideric Handel 7:11
10 B4 The Trumpet Shall Sound George Frideric Handel 4:23
11 B5 Amen George Frideric Handel 4:22
Discogs Releases not linked to MusicBrainz
Cat no
The Messiah
B & C Recording, Inc.
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Overture (Prelude And Fugue) Georg Friedrich Händel
2 A2 Recit. (Tenor) Isaiah XL:1-3 Comfort Ye Georg Friedrich Händel
3 A3 Air (Tenor) Isaiah XL:4 Every Valley Georg Friedrich Händel
4 A4 Chorus Isaiah XL:5 And The Glory Georg Friedrich Händel
5 A5 Recit. (Bass) Haggai II:6, 7 Malachi III:1 Thus Saith The Lord Of Hosts Georg Friedrich Händel
6 A6 Air (Bass) Malachi III:2 But Who May Abide Georg Friedrich Händel
7 B1 Recit. (Alto) Matthew I:23 Isaiah VII:14 Behold, A Virgin Georg Friedrich Händel
8 B2 Air (Alto) And Chorus Isaiah XL:9 O Thou That Tellest Georg Friedrich Händel
9 B3 Chorus Isaiah IX:6 For Unto Us Georg Friedrich Händel
10 B4 Pastoral Symphony Georg Friedrich Händel
11 B5 Recit. (Soprano) Luke II:8, 9 There Were Shepherds Georg Friedrich Händel
12 B6 Recit. (Soprano) Luke II:10, 11 And The Angel Said Georg Friedrich Händel
13 B7 Recit. (Soprano) Luke II:13 And Suddenly There Was With The Angel Georg Friedrich Händel
14 B8 Chorus Luke II:14 Glory To God In The Highest Georg Friedrich Händel
15 C1 Air (Soprano) Zechariah IX:9, 10 Rejoice Greatly Georg Friedrich Händel
16 C2 Recit. (Alto) Isaiah XXXV:5, 6 Then Shall The Eyes Georg Friedrich Händel
17 C3 Air (Alto And Soprano) Isaiah XL:11 Matthew XI:28,29 He Shall Feed His Flock Georg Friedrich Händel
18 C4 Chorus John I:29 Behold The Lamb Georg Friedrich Händel
19 C5 Air (Alto) Isaiah LIII:3; L:6 He Was Despised Georg Friedrich Händel
20 D1 Air (Alto) Isaiah LIII:3; L:6 (continued) He Gave His Back Georg Friedrich Händel
21 D2 Chorus Isaiah LIII:4, 5 Surely He Hath Borne Georg Friedrich Händel
22 D3 Air (Soprano) Job XIX:25, 26 I Cor. XV:20 I know That My Redeemer Liveth Georg Friedrich Händel
23 D4 Chorus I Cor. XV:21 Since By Man Came Death Georg Friedrich Händel
24 D5 Chorus Rev. V:12, 13 Worthy Is The Lamb Georg Friedrich Händel
25 D6 Chorus Rev. XIX:6, XI:15, XIV:16 Hallejuah! Georg Friedrich Händel
The Messiah
Not On Label
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Chorus, And The Glory Of The Lord Georg Friedrich Händel
2 A2 Tenor, Every Valley Shall Be Exalted Georg Friedrich Händel
3 A3 Chorus, Oh Thou That Tellest Good Tidings Georg Friedrich Händel
4 A4 Bass, Thus Saith The Lord; But Who May Abide The Day Of His Coming Georg Friedrich Händel
5 A5 Chorus, Behold The Lamb Of God Georg Friedrich Händel
6 A6 Chorus, Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs Georg Friedrich Händel
7 B1 Contralto, He Was Despised Georg Friedrich Händel
8 B2 Soprano, I Know That My Redeemer Liveth Georg Friedrich Händel
9 B3 Chorus, Worthy Is The Lamb Georg Friedrich Händel
10 B4 Chorus, Halellujah Georg Friedrich Händel
Vinyl, Vinyl, Vinyl
World Record Club
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Overture George Frederick Handel
2 A2 Comfort Ye My People George Frederick Handel
3 A3 Ev'ry Valley George Frederick Handel
4 A4 And The Glory Of The Lord George Frederick Handel
5 A5 This Saith The Lord George Frederick Handel
6 A6 But Who May Abide? George Frederick Handel
7 B1 Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive George Frederick Handel
8 B2 O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings George Frederick Handel
9 B3 For Behold, Darkness George Frederick Handel
10 B4 The People That Walked In Darkness George Frederick Handel
11 B5 For Unto Us A Child Is Born George Frederick Handel
12 B6 Pastoral Symphony George Frederick Handel
Media 2: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 C1 There Were Shepherds George Frederick Handel
2 C2 And The Angel Said Unto Them George Frederick Handel
3 C3 And Suddenly George Frederick Handel
4 C4 Glory To God George Frederick Handel
5 C5 Rejoice Greatly George Frederick Handel
6 C6 Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind George Frederick Handel
7 C7 He Shall Feed His Flock George Frederick Handel
8 C8 Hid Yoke Is Easy George Frederick Handel
9 C9 Behold The Lamb Of God George Frederick Handel
10 D1 He Was Despised George Frederick Handel
11 D2 Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs George Frederick Handel
12 D3 And With His Stripes George Frederick Handel
13 D4 All We Like Sheep George Frederick Handel
14 D5 All They That See Him George Frederick Handel
15 D6 He Trusted In God George Frederick Handel
16 D7 Thy Rebuke Hath Broked His Heart George Frederick Handel
17 D8 Behold, And See George Frederick Handel
Media 3: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 E1 He Was Cut Off George Frederick Handel
2 E2 But Thou Did'st Not Leave George Frederick Handel
3 E3 Lift Up Your Heads George Frederick Handel
4 E4 The Lord Gave The Word George Frederick Handel
5 E5 How Beautiful Are The Feet George Frederick Handel
6 E6 Their Sound Is Gone Out George Frederick Handel
7 E7 Why Do The Nations? George Frederick Handel
8 E8 Let Us Break Their Bonds George Frederick Handel
9 E9 He That Dwelleth In Heaven George Frederick Handel
10 E10 Thou Shall Break Them George Frederick Handel
11 E11 Hallellujah! George Frederick Handel
12 F1 I Know That My Redeemer Liveth George Frederick Handel
13 F2 Since By Man Came Death George Frederick Handel
14 F3 Behold, I Tell You A Mystery George Frederick Handel
15 F4 The Trumpet Shall Sound George Frederick Handel
16 F5 Worthy Is The Lamb: Amen George Frederick Handel
The Messiah
B & C Recording, Inc.
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A-1 Overture (Prelude) Georg Friedrich Händel
2 A-2 Recit. (Tenor) Isaiah XL:1-3 Comfort Ye, Comfort Ye Georg Friedrich Händel
3 A-3 Chorus Isaiah XL:5 And The Glory Of The Lord Georg Friedrich Händel
4 A-4 Recit. (Bass) Haggai II:6,7 Malachai Iii:I Thus Saith The Lord Of Hosts Georg Friedrich Händel
5 A-5 Air (Bass) Malachai III:2 But Who May Abide Georg Friedrich Händel
6 A-6 Recit. (Alto) Matthew I:23 Isaiah VII:14 Behold, A Virgin Georg Friedrich Händel
7 A-7 Air (Alto) And Chorus Isaiah XL:9 O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings Georg Friedrich Händel
8 B-1 Chorus Isaiah IX:6 For Unto Us Georg Friedrich Händel
9 B-2 Recit. (Soprano) Luke II:8,9 There Were Shepherds Abiding Georg Friedrich Händel
10 B-3 Recit. (Soprano) Luke II:10,11 And The Angel Said Georg Friedrich Händel
11 B-4 Recit. (Soprano) Luke II:13 And Suddenly There Was With The Angel Georg Friedrich Händel
12 B-5 Chorus Luke II:14 Glory To God In The Highest Georg Friedrich Händel
13 B-6 Recit. (Alto) Isaiah XXXV:5,6 Then Shall The Eyes Georg Friedrich Händel
14 B-7 Air (Alto And Soprano) Isaiah XL:11 Matthew XI:28,29 He Shall Feed His Flock Georg Friedrich Händel
15 B-8 Chorus Matthew XI:30 His Yoke Is Easy Georg Friedrich Händel
16 B-9 Chorus John I:29 Behold The Lamb Of God Georg Friedrich Händel
17 C-1 Air (Alto) Isaiah LIII:3 He Was Despised And Rejected Of Men Georg Friedrich Händel
18 C-2 Chorus Isaiah LIII:4,5 Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs Georg Friedrich Händel
19 C-3 Recit. (Tenor) Psalm LXIX:20 Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart Georg Friedrich Händel
20 C-4 Recit. (Tenor) Psalm II:4 He That Dwelleth In Heaven Georg Friedrich Händel
21 C-5 Air (Tenor) Psalm II:9 Thou Shalt Break Them Georg Friedrich Händel
22 C-6 Air (Soprano) Job:XIX: 25,26 I Cor. XV:20 I Know That My Redeemer Liveth Georg Friedrich Händel
23 D-1 Chorus I Cor. XV:21 Since By Man Came Death Georg Friedrich Händel
24 D-2 Recit. (Bass) I Cor. XV:51,52 Behold I Tell You A Mystery Georg Friedrich Händel
25 D-3 Air (Bass) I Cor. XV:52 The Trumpet Shall Sound Georg Friedrich Händel
26 D-4 Chorus Rev. V:12,13 Worthy Is The Lamb Georg Friedrich Händel
27 D-5 Chorus Rev. XIX:6, XI:15, XIV:16 Hallelujah! Georg Friedrich Händel
Vinyl, Vinyl, Vinyl
SET 218-20
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A Messiah: Handel Complete Version Part 1 Nos. 1 to 7 Handel
2 B Messiah: Handel Complete Version Part 3 (Conclusion) Nos. 47 to 53 Handel
Media 2: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 C Messiah: Handel Complete Version Part 1 (Cont.) Nos. 8 to 18 Handel
2 D Messiah: Handel Complete Version Part 2 (Conclusion) Nos. 37 to 44 / Part 3 Nos. 45 and 46 Handel
Media 3: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 E Messiah: Handel Complete Version Part 1 (Conclusion) Nos. 19 to 21 / Part 2 Nos. 22 and 23 Handel
2 F Messiah: Handel Complete Version Part 2 (Cont) Nos. 24 to 36 Handel
Vinyl, Vinyl, Vinyl
Reader's Digest
RDS 5084, RDS 5085, RDS 5086
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Overture George Frederick Handel
2 A2 Recitative - Comfort Ye George Frederick Handel
3 A3 Air - Every Valley George Frederick Handel
4 A4 Chorus - And The Glory Of The Lord George Frederick Handel
5 A5 Recitative - Thus Saith The Lord George Frederick Handel
6 A6 Air - But Who May Abide George Frederick Handel
7 A7 Chorus - And He Shall Purify George Frederick Handel
8 B1 Recitative - Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive George Frederick Handel
9 B2 Air - O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings George Frederick Handel
10 B3 Recitative - For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover The Earth George Frederick Handel
11 B4 Air - The People That Walked In Darkness George Frederick Handel
12 B5 Chorus - For Unto Us A Child Is Born George Frederick Handel
Media 2: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 C1 Pastoral Symphony George Frederick Handel
2 C2 Recitative - There Were Shepherds George Frederick Handel
3 C3 Recitative - And Lo, The Angel Of The Lord George Frederick Handel
4 C4 Recitative - And The Angel Said Unto Them George Frederick Handel
5 C5 Recitative - And Suddenly There Was With The Angel George Frederick Handel
6 C6 Chorus - Glory To God George Frederick Handel
7 C7 Air - Rejoice Greatly George Frederick Handel
8 C8 Recitative - Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind Be Opened George Frederick Handel
9 C9 Air - He Shall Feed His Flock George Frederick Handel
10 C10 Air - Come Unto Him George Frederick Handel
11 C11 Chorus - His Yoke Is Easy George Frederick Handel
12 D1 Chorus - Behold The Lamb Of God George Frederick Handel
13 D2 Air - He Was Despised George Frederick Handel
14 D3 Chorus - Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs George Frederick Handel
15 D4 Chorus - And With His Stripes We Are Healed George Frederick Handel
16 D5 Chorus - All We Like Sheep George Frederick Handel
17 D6 Recitative - All They That See Him George Frederick Handel
18 D7 Chorus - He Trusted In God George Frederick Handel
19 D9 Recitative - Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart George Frederick Handel
20 D10 Air - Behold, And See George Frederick Handel
21 D11 Recitative - He Was Cut Off George Frederick Handel
22 D12 Air - But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell George Frederick Handel
Media 3: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 E1 Chorus - Lift Up Your Heads George Frederick Handel
2 E2 Chorus - The Lord Gave The Word George Frederick Handel
3 E3 Air - How Beautiful Are The Feet George Frederick Handel
4 E4 Chorus - Their Sound Is Gone Out Unto All Lands George Frederick Handel
5 E5 Air - Why Do The Nations George Frederick Handel
6 E6 Chorus - Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder George Frederick Handel
7 E7 Recitative - He That Dwelleth In Heaven George Frederick Handel
8 E8 Air - Thou Shalt Break Them George Frederick Handel
9 E9 Chorus - Hallelujah! George Frederick Handel
10 F1 Air - I Know That My Redeemer Liveth George Frederick Handel
11 F2 Quartet - Since By Man Came Death George Frederick Handel
12 F3 Chorus - By Man Came Also The Resurrection Of The Dead George Frederick Handel
13 F4 Quartet - For As In Adam All Die George Frederick Handel
14 F5 Chorus - Even So In Christ George Frederick Handel
15 F6 Recitative - Behold, I Tell You A Mystery George Frederick Handel
16 F7 Air - The Trumpet Shall Sound George Frederick Handel
17 F8 Chorus - Worthy Is The Lamb George Frederick Handel
18 F9 Chorus - Amen George Frederick Handel
Vinyl, Vinyl, Vinyl
Reader's Digest
RDM 1084, RDM 1085, RDM 1086
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Overture George Frederick Handel
2 A2 Comfort Ye George Frederick Handel
3 A3 Every Valley George Frederick Handel
4 A4 And The Glory Of The Lord George Frederick Handel
5 A5 Thus Saith The Lord George Frederick Handel
6 A6 But Who May Abide George Frederick Handel
7 A7 And He Shall Purify George Frederick Handel
8 B1 Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive George Frederick Handel
9 B2 O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings George Frederick Handel
10 B3 For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover The Earth George Frederick Handel
11 B4 The People That Walked In Darkness George Frederick Handel
12 B5 For Unto Us A Child Is Born George Frederick Handel
Media 2: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 C1 Pastoral Symphony George Frederick Handel
2 C2 There Were Shepherds George Frederick Handel
3 C3 And Lo, The Angel Of The Lord George Frederick Handel
4 C4 And The Angel Said Unto Them George Frederick Handel
5 C5 And Suddenly There Was With The Angel George Frederick Handel
6 C6 Glory To God George Frederick Handel
7 C7 Rejoice Greatly George Frederick Handel
8 C8 Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind Be Opened George Frederick Handel
9 C9 He Shall Feed His Flock George Frederick Handel
10 C10 Come Unto Him George Frederick Handel
11 C11 His Yoke Is Easy George Frederick Handel
12 D1 Behold The Lamb Of God George Frederick Handel
13 D2 He Was Despised George Frederick Handel
14 D3 Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs George Frederick Handel
15 D4 And With His Stripes We Are Healed George Frederick Handel
16 D5 All We Like Sheep George Frederick Handel
17 D6 All They That See Him George Frederick Handel
18 D7 He Trusted In God George Frederick Handel
19 D9 Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart George Frederick Handel
20 D10 Behold, And See George Frederick Handel
21 D11 He Was Cut Off George Frederick Handel
22 D12 But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell George Frederick Handel
Media 3: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 E1 Lift Up Your Heads George Frederick Handel
2 E2 The Lord Gave The Word George Frederick Handel
3 E3 How Beautiful Are The Feet George Frederick Handel
4 E4 Their Sound Is Gone Out Unto All Lands George Frederick Handel
5 E5 Why Do The Nations George Frederick Handel
6 E6 Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder George Frederick Handel
7 E7 He That Dwelleth In Heaven George Frederick Handel
8 E8 Thou Shalt Break Them George Frederick Handel
9 E9 Hallelujah! George Frederick Handel
10 F1 I Know That My Redeemer Liveth George Frederick Handel
11 F2 Since By Man Came Death George Frederick Handel
12 F3 By Man Came Also The Resurrection Of The Dead George Frederick Handel
13 F4 For As In Adam All Die George Frederick Handel
14 F5 Even So In Christ George Frederick Handel
15 F6 Behold, I Tell You A Mystery George Frederick Handel
16 F7 The Trumpet Shall Sound George Frederick Handel
17 F8 Worthy Is The Lamb George Frederick Handel
18 F9 Amen George Frederick Handel
XID 5113
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 1 Chorus Georg Friedrich Händel
2 2 Soprano Aria Georg Friedrich Händel
3 3 Bass recitative Georg Friedrich Händel
4 4 Contraalto Georg Friedrich Händel
Box Set, Vinyl, Vinyl
His Master's Voice
RLS 693
Media 1: Box Set
Track Artist
1 a1 Overture And Nos. 1-6 Handel
2 b1 Nos. 7-15 Handel
Media 2: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 c1 Nos. 16-19 Handel
2 c2 Nos. 20-21 Handel
3 d1 Nos.22-34 Handel
Media 3: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 e1 Nos.35-42 Handel
2 e2 Nos. 43-44 Handel
3 f1 Nos. 45-52 Handel
Vinyl, Vinyl, Vinyl
World Record Club
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 1. Overture Handel
2 A2a 2. Recitative - Tenor: Comfort Ye, My People Handel
3 A2b 3. Air - Tenor: Every Valley Shall Be Exalted Handel
4 A2c 4. Chorus: And The Glory Of The Lord Handel
5 A2d 5. Recitative - Tenor: Thus Saith The Lord Handel
6 A2e 6. Air - Bass: But Who May Abide Handel
7 A2f 7. Chorus: And He Shall Purify Handel
8 B1a 8. Recitative - Alto: Behold A Virgin Shall Conceive Handel
9 B1b 9. Air - Alto And Chorus: O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion Handel
10 B1c 10. Recitative - Bass: And Darkness Shall Cover The Earth Handel
11 B1d 11. Air - Bass: The People That Walked In Darkness Handel
12 B1e 12. Chorus: For Unto Us A Child Is Born Handel
13 B2 13. Pastoral: Symphony Handel
14 B3a(i) 14. Recitative: There Were Shepherds Handel
15 B3a(ii) 14. Recitative - Soprano: And Lo! The Angel Of The Lord Came Upon Them Handel
16 B3b 15. Recitative - Soprano: And The Angel Said Unto Them Handel
17 B3c 16. Recitative - Soprano: And Suddenly There Was With The Angel Handel
18 B3d 17. Chorus: Glory To God Handel
19 B3e 18. Air - Soprano: Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion! Handel
Media 2: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 C1a 19. Recitative - Soprano: Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind Be Opened Handel
2 C1b(i) 20. Air - Alto: He Shall Feed His Flock Handel
3 C1b(ii) 20. Air - Alto: Come Unto Him Handel
4 C1c 21. Chorus: His Yoke Is Easy Handel
5 C2a 22. Chorus: Behold The Lamb Of God Handel
6 C2b 23. Air - Alto: He Was Despised Handel
7 D1 24. Chorus: Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs Handel
8 D2 25. Chorus: And With His Stripes We Are Healed Handel
9 D3 26. Chorus: All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray Handel
10 D4 27. Recitative - Tenor: All They That See Him Handel
11 D5 28. Chorus: He Trusted In God Handel
12 D6 29. Recitative - Soprano: Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart Handel
13 D7 30. Air - Soprano: Behold, And See If There Be Any Sorrow Like Unto His Sorrow Handel
14 D8 31. Recitative - Tenor: He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land Of The Living Handel
15 D9 32. Air - Tenor: But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell Handel
16 D10 33. Chorus: Lift Up Your Heads Handel
17 D11 34. Recitative - Tenor: Unto Which Of The Angels Said He At Any Time Handel
18 D12 35. Chorus: Let All The Angels Of God Worship Him Handel
19 D13 36. Air - Bass: Thou Art Gone Up On High Handel
Media 3: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 E1a 37. Chorus: The Lord Gave The Word Handel
2 E1b 38. Air - Soprano: How Beautiful Are The Feet Of Them That Preach The Gospel Of Peace Handel
3 E1c 39. Chorus: The Sound Is Gone Out Into All Lands Handel
4 E1d 40. Air - Bass: Why Do The Nations? Handel
5 E1e 41. Chorus: Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder Handel
6 E1f 42. Recitative - Tenor: He That Dwelleth In Heaven Handel
7 E1g 43. Air: Thou Shalt Break Them With A Rod Of Iron Handel
8 E1h 44. Chorus: Hallelujah! Handel
9 E2a 45. Air - Soprano: I Know That My Redeemer Liveth Handel
10 E2b 46. Chorus: Since By Man Came Death Handel
11 F1 47. Recitative - Bass: Behold, I Tell You A Mystery Handel
12 F2 48. Air - Bass: The Trumpet Shall Sound Handel
13 F3 49. Recitative - Alto: Then Shall Be Brought To Pass The Saying That Is Written Handel
14 F4 50. Duet - Alto And Tenor: O Death, Where Is Thy Sting? Handel
15 F5 51. Chorus: But Thanks Be To God Handel
16 F6 52. Air - Soprano: If God Be For Us, Who Can Be Against Us? Handel
17 F7 53. Chorus: Worthy Is The Lamb Handel
Vinyl, Vinyl, Vinyl
World Record Club
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 1. Overture Handel
2 A2a 2. Recitative - Tenor: Comfort Ye, My People Handel
3 A2b 3. Air - Tenor: Every Valley Shall Be Exalted Handel
4 A2c 4. Chorus: And The Glory Of The Lord Handel
5 A2d 5. Recitative - Tenor: Thus Saith The Lord Handel
6 A2e 6. Air - Bass: But Who May Abide Handel
7 A2f 7. Chorus: And He Shall Purify Handel
8 B1a 8. Recitative - Alto: Behold A Virgin Shall Conceive Handel
9 B1b 9. Air - Alto And Chorus: O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion Handel
10 B1c 10. Recitative - Bass: And Darkness Shall Cover The Earth Handel
11 B1d 11. Air - Bass: The People That Walked In Darkness Handel
12 B1e 12. Chorus: For Unto Us A Child Is Born Handel
13 B2 13. Pastoral: Symphony Handel
14 B3a(i) 14. Recitative: There Were Shepherds Handel
15 B3a(ii) 14. Recitative - Soprano: And Lo! The Angel Of The Lord Came Upon Them Handel
16 B3b 15. Recitative - Soprano: And The Angel Said Unto Them Handel
17 B3c 16. Recitative - Soprano: And Suddenly There Was With The Angel Handel
18 B3d 17. Chorus: Glory To God Handel
19 B3e 18. Air - Soprano: Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion! Handel
Media 2: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 C1a 19. Recitative - Soprano: Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind Be Opened Handel
2 C1b(i) 20. Air - Alto: He Shall Feed His Flock Handel
3 C1b(ii) 20. Air - Alto: Come Unto Him Handel
4 C1c 21. Chorus: His Yoke Is Easy Handel
5 C2a 22. Chorus: Behold The Lamb Of God Handel
6 C2b 23. Air - Alto: He Was Despised Handel
7 D1 24. Chorus: Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs Handel
8 D2 25. Chorus: And With His Stripes We Are Healed Handel
9 D3 26. Chorus: All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray Handel
10 D4 27. Recitative - Tenor: All They That See Him Handel
11 D5 28. Chorus: He Trusted In God Handel
12 D6 29. Recitative - Soprano: Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart Handel
13 D7 30. Air - Soprano: Behold, And See If There Be Any Sorrow Like Unto His Sorrow Handel
14 D8 31. Recitative - Tenor: He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land Of The Living Handel
15 D9 32. Air - Tenor: But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell Handel
16 D10 33. Chorus: Lift Up Your Heads Handel
17 D11 34. Recitative - Tenor: Unto Which Of The Angels Said He At Any Time Handel
18 D12 35. Chorus: Let All The Angels Of God Worship Him Handel
19 D13 36. Air - Bass: Thou Art Gone Up On High Handel
Media 3: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 E1a 37. Chorus: The Lord Gave The Word Handel
2 E1b 38. Air - Soprano: How Beautiful Are The Feet Of Them That Preach The Gospel Of Peace Handel
3 E1c 39. Chorus: The Sound Is Gone Out Into All Lands Handel
4 E1d 40. Air - Bass: Why Do The Nations? Handel
5 E1e 41. Chorus: Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder Handel
6 E1f 42. Recitative - Tenor: He That Dwelleth In Heaven Handel
7 E1g 43. Air: Thou Shalt Break Them With A Rod Of Iron Handel
8 E1h 44. Chorus: Hallelujah! Handel
9 E2a 45. Air - Soprano: I Know That My Redeemer Liveth Handel
10 E2b 46. Chorus: Since By Man Came Death Handel
11 F1 47. Recitative - Bass: Behold, I Tell You A Mystery Handel
12 F2 48. Air - Bass: The Trumpet Shall Sound Handel
13 F3 49. Recitative - Alto: Then Shall Be Brought To Pass The Saying That Is Written Handel
14 F4 50. Duet - Alto And Tenor: O Death, Where Is Thy Sting? Handel
15 F5 51. Chorus: But Thanks Be To God Handel
16 F6 52. Air - Soprano: If God Be For Us, Who Can Be Against Us? Handel
17 F7 53. Chorus: Worthy Is The Lamb Handel
Vinyl, Vinyl, Vinyl
World Record Club
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 1. Overture Handel
2 A2a 2. Recitative - Tenor: Comfort Ye, My People Handel
3 A2b 3. Air - Tenor: Every Valley Shall Be Exalted Handel
4 A2c 4. Chorus: And The Glory Of The Lord Handel
5 A2d 5. Recitative - Tenor: Thus Saith The Lord Handel
6 A2e 6. Air - Bass: But Who May Abide Handel
7 A2f 7. Chorus: And He Shall Purify Handel
8 B1a 8. Recitative - Alto: Behold A Virgin Shall Conceive Handel
9 B1b 9. Air - Alto And Chorus: O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion Handel
10 B1c 10. Recitative - Bass: And Darkness Shall Cover The Earth Handel
11 B1d 11. Air - Bass: The People That Walked In Darkness Handel
12 B1e 12. Chorus: For Unto Us A Child Is Born Handel
13 B2 13. Pastoral: Symphony Handel
14 B3a(i) 14. Recitative: There Were Shepherds Handel
15 B3a(ii) 14. Recitative - Soprano: And Lo! The Angel Of The Lord Came Upon Them Handel
16 B3b 15. Recitative - Soprano: And The Angel Said Unto Them Handel
17 B3c 16. Recitative - Soprano: And Suddenly There Was With The Angel Handel
18 B3d 17. Chorus: Glory To God Handel
19 B3e 18. Air - Soprano: Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion! Handel
Media 2: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 C1a 19. Recitative - Soprano: Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind Be Opened Handel
2 C1b(i) 20. Air - Alto: He Shall Feed His Flock Handel
3 C1b(ii) 20. Air - Alto: Come Unto Him Handel
4 C1c 21. Chorus: His Yoke Is Easy Handel
5 C2a 22. Chorus: Behold The Lamb Of God Handel
6 C2b 23. Air - Alto: He Was Despised Handel
7 D1 24. Chorus: Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs Handel
8 D2 25. Chorus: And With His Stripes We Are Healed Handel
9 D3 26. Chorus: All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray Handel
10 D4 27. Recitative - Tenor: All They That See Him Handel
11 D5 28. Chorus: He Trusted In God Handel
12 D6 29. Recitative - Soprano: Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart Handel
13 D7 30. Air - Soprano: Behold, And See If There Be Any Sorrow Like Unto His Sorrow Handel
14 D8 31. Recitative - Tenor: He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land Of The Living Handel
15 D9 32. Air - Tenor: But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell Handel
16 D10 33. Chorus: Lift Up Your Heads Handel
17 D11 34. Recitative - Tenor: Unto Which Of The Angels Said He At Any Time Handel
18 D12 35. Chorus: Let All The Angels Of God Worship Him Handel
19 D13 36. Air - Bass: Thou Art Gone Up On High Handel
Media 3: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 E1a 37. Chorus: The Lord Gave The Word Handel
2 E1b 38. Air - Soprano: How Beautiful Are The Feet Of Them That Preach The Gospel Of Peace Handel
3 E1c 39. Chorus: The Sound Is Gone Out Into All Lands Handel
4 E1d 40. Air - Bass: Why Do The Nations? Handel
5 E1e 41. Chorus: Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder Handel
6 E1f 42. Recitative - Tenor: He That Dwelleth In Heaven Handel
7 E1g 43. Air: Thou Shalt Break Them With A Rod Of Iron Handel
8 E1h 44. Chorus: Hallelujah! Handel
9 E2a 45. Air - Soprano: I Know That My Redeemer Liveth Handel
10 E2b 46. Chorus: Since By Man Came Death Handel
11 F1 47. Recitative - Bass: Behold, I Tell You A Mystery Handel
12 F2 48. Air - Bass: The Trumpet Shall Sound Handel
13 F3 49. Recitative - Alto: Then Shall Be Brought To Pass The Saying That Is Written Handel
14 F4 50. Duet - Alto And Tenor: O Death, Where Is Thy Sting? Handel
15 F5 51. Chorus: But Thanks Be To God Handel
16 F6 52. Air - Soprano: If God Be For Us, Who Can Be Against Us? Handel
17 F7 53. Chorus: Worthy Is The Lamb Handel
Vinyl, Vinyl, Vinyl
World Record Club
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 1. Overture Handel
2 A2a 2. Recitative - Tenor: Comfort Ye, My People Handel
3 A2b 3. Air - Tenor: Every Valley Shall Be Exalted Handel
4 A2c 4. Chorus: And The Glory Of The Lord Handel
5 A2d 5. Recitative - Tenor: Thus Saith The Lord Handel
6 A2e 6. Air - Bass: But Who May Abide Handel
7 A2f 7. Chorus: And He Shall Purify Handel
8 B1a 8. Recitative - Alto: Behold A Virgin Shall Conceive Handel
9 B1b 9. Air - Alto And Chorus: O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion Handel
10 B1c 10. Recitative - Bass: And Darkness Shall Cover The Earth Handel
11 B1d 11. Air - Bass: The People That Walked In Darkness Handel
12 B1e 12. Chorus: For Unto Us A Child Is Born Handel
13 B2 13. Pastoral: Symphony Handel
14 B3a(i) 14. Recitative: There Were Shepherds Handel
15 B3a(ii) 14. Recitative - Soprano: And Lo! The Angel Of The Lord Came Upon Them Handel
16 B3b 15. Recitative - Soprano: And The Angel Said Unto Them Handel
17 B3c 16. Recitative - Soprano: And Suddenly There Was With The Angel Handel
18 B3d 17. Chorus: Glory To God Handel
19 B3e 18. Air - Soprano: Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion! Handel
Media 2: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 C1a 19. Recitative - Soprano: Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind Be Opened Handel
2 C1b(i) 20. Air - Alto: He Shall Feed His Flock Handel
3 C1b(ii) 20. Air - Alto: Come Unto Him Handel
4 C1c 21. Chorus: His Yoke Is Easy Handel
5 C2a 22. Chorus: Behold The Lamb Of God Handel
6 C2b 23. Air - Alto: He Was Despised Handel
7 D1 24. Chorus: Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs Handel
8 D2 25. Chorus: And With His Stripes We Are Healed Handel
9 D3 26. Chorus: All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray Handel
10 D4 27. Recitative - Tenor: All They That See Him Handel
11 D5 28. Chorus: He Trusted In God Handel
12 D6 29. Recitative - Soprano: Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart Handel
13 D7 30. Air - Soprano: Behold, And See If There Be Any Sorrow Like Unto His Sorrow Handel
14 D8 31. Recitative - Tenor: He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land Of The Living Handel
15 D9 32. Air - Tenor: But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell Handel
16 D10 33. Chorus: Lift Up Your Heads Handel
17 D11 34. Recitative - Tenor: Unto Which Of The Angels Said He At Any Time Handel
18 D12 35. Chorus: Let All The Angels Of God Worship Him Handel
19 D13 36. Air - Bass: Thou Art Gone Up On High Handel
Media 3: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 E1a 37. Chorus: The Lord Gave The Word Handel
2 E1b 38. Air - Soprano: How Beautiful Are The Feet Of Them That Preach The Gospel Of Peace Handel
3 E1c 39. Chorus: The Sound Is Gone Out Into All Lands Handel
4 E1d 40. Air - Bass: Why Do The Nations? Handel
5 E1e 41. Chorus: Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder Handel
6 E1f 42. Recitative - Tenor: He That Dwelleth In Heaven Handel
7 E1g 43. Air: Thou Shalt Break Them With A Rod Of Iron Handel
8 E1h 44. Chorus: Hallelujah! Handel
9 E2a 45. Air - Soprano: I Know That My Redeemer Liveth Handel
10 E2b 46. Chorus: Since By Man Came Death Handel
11 F1 47. Recitative - Bass: Behold, I Tell You A Mystery Handel
12 F2 48. Air - Bass: The Trumpet Shall Sound Handel
13 F3 49. Recitative - Alto: Then Shall Be Brought To Pass The Saying That Is Written Handel
14 F4 50. Duet - Alto And Tenor: O Death, Where Is Thy Sting? Handel
15 F5 51. Chorus: But Thanks Be To God Handel
16 F6 52. Air - Soprano: If God Be For Us, Who Can Be Against Us? Handel
17 F7 53. Chorus: Worthy Is The Lamb Handel
Vinyl, Vinyl, Vinyl
World Record Club
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 1. Overture Handel
2 A2a 2. Recitative - Tenor: Comfort Ye, My People Handel
3 A2b 3. Air - Tenor: Every Valley Shall Be Exalted Handel
4 A2c 4. Chorus: And The Glory Of The Lord Handel
5 A2d 5. Recitative - Tenor: Thus Saith The Lord Handel
6 A2e 6. Air - Bass: But Who May Abide Handel
7 A2f 7. Chorus: And He Shall Purify Handel
8 B1a 8. Recitative - Alto: Behold A Virgin Shall Conceive Handel
9 B1b 9. Air - Alto And Chorus: O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion Handel
10 B1c 10. Recitative - Bass: And Darkness Shall Cover The Earth Handel
11 B1d 11. Air - Bass: The People That Walked In Darkness Handel
12 B1e 12. Chorus: For Unto Us A Child Is Born Handel
13 B2 13. Pastoral: Symphony Handel
14 B3a(i) 14. Recitative: There Were Shepherds Handel
15 B3a(ii) 14. Recitative - Soprano: And Lo! The Angel Of The Lord Came Upon Them Handel
16 B3b 15. Recitative - Soprano: And The Angel Said Unto Them Handel
17 B3c 16. Recitative - Soprano: And Suddenly There Was With The Angel Handel
18 B3d 17. Chorus: Glory To God Handel
19 B3e 18. Air - Soprano: Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion! Handel
Media 2: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 C1a 19. Recitative - Soprano: Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind Be Opened Handel
2 C1b(i) 20. Air - Alto: He Shall Feed His Flock Handel
3 C1b(ii) 20. Air - Alto: Come Unto Him Handel
4 C1c 21. Chorus: His Yoke Is Easy Handel
5 C2a 22. Chorus: Behold The Lamb Of God Handel
6 C2b 23. Air - Alto: He Was Despised Handel
7 D1 24. Chorus: Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs Handel
8 D2 25. Chorus: And With His Stripes We Are Healed Handel
9 D3 26. Chorus: All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray Handel
10 D4 27. Recitative - Tenor: All They That See Him Handel
11 D5 28. Chorus: He Trusted In God Handel
12 D6 29. Recitative - Soprano: Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart Handel
13 D7 30. Air - Soprano: Behold, And See If There Be Any Sorrow Like Unto His Sorrow Handel
14 D8 31. Recitative - Tenor: He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land Of The Living Handel
15 D9 32. Air - Tenor: But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell Handel
16 D10 33. Chorus: Lift Up Your Heads Handel
17 D11 34. Recitative - Tenor: Unto Which Of The Angels Said He At Any Time Handel
18 D12 35. Chorus: Let All The Angels Of God Worship Him Handel
19 D13 36. Air - Bass: Thou Art Gone Up On High Handel
Media 3: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 E1a 37. Chorus: The Lord Gave The Word Handel
2 E1b 38. Air - Soprano: How Beautiful Are The Feet Of Them That Preach The Gospel Of Peace Handel
3 E1c 39. Chorus: The Sound Is Gone Out Into All Lands Handel
4 E1d 40. Air - Bass: Why Do The Nations? Handel
5 E1e 41. Chorus: Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder Handel
6 E1f 42. Recitative - Tenor: He That Dwelleth In Heaven Handel
7 E1g 43. Air: Thou Shalt Break Them With A Rod Of Iron Handel
8 E1h 44. Chorus: Hallelujah! Handel
9 E2a 45. Air - Soprano: I Know That My Redeemer Liveth Handel
10 E2b 46. Chorus: Since By Man Came Death Handel
11 F1 47. Recitative - Bass: Behold, I Tell You A Mystery Handel
12 F2 48. Air - Bass: The Trumpet Shall Sound Handel
13 F3 49. Recitative - Alto: Then Shall Be Brought To Pass The Saying That Is Written Handel
14 F4 50. Duet - Alto And Tenor: O Death, Where Is Thy Sting? Handel
15 F5 51. Chorus: But Thanks Be To God Handel
16 F6 52. Air - Soprano: If God Be For Us, Who Can Be Against Us? Handel
17 F7 53. Chorus: Worthy Is The Lamb Handel
Cassette, Cassette, Cassette
World Cassette Club, World Record Club
C 00840, C 00842
Media 1: Cassette
Track Artist
1 A1 1. Overture Handel
2 A2a 2. Recitative - Tenor: Comfort Ye, My People Handel
3 A2b 3. Air - Tenor: Every Valley Shall Be Exalted Handel
4 A2c 4. Chorus: And The Glory Of The Lord Handel
5 A2d 5. Recitative - Tenor: Thus Saith The Lord Handel
6 A2e 6. Air - Bass: But Who May Abide Handel
7 A2f 7. Chorus: And He Shall Purify Handel
8 B1a 8. Recitative - Alto: Behold A Virgin Shall Conceive Handel
9 B1b 9. Air - Alto And Chorus: O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion Handel
10 B1c 10. Recitative - Bass: And Darkness Shall Cover The Earth Handel
11 B1d 11. Air - Bass: The People That Walked In Darkness Handel
12 B1e 12. Chorus: For Unto Us A Child Is Born Handel
13 B2 13. Pastoral: Symphony Handel
14 B3a(i) 14. Recitative: There Were Shepherds Handel
15 B3a(ii) 14. Recitative - Soprano: And Lo! The Angel Of The Lord Came Upon Them Handel
16 B3b 15. Recitative - Soprano: And The Angel Said Unto Them Handel
17 B3c 16. Recitative - Soprano: And Suddenly There Was With The Angel Handel
18 B3d 17. Chorus: Glory To God Handel
19 B3e 18. Air - Soprano: Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion! Handel
Media 2: Cassette
Track Artist
1 C1a 19. Recitative - Soprano: Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind Be Opened Handel
2 C1b(i) 20. Air - Alto: He Shall Feed His Flock Handel
3 C1b(ii) 20. Air - Alto: Come Unto Him Handel
4 C1c 21. Chorus: His Yoke Is Easy Handel
5 C2a 22. Chorus: Behold The Lamb Of God Handel
6 C2b 23. Air - Alto: He Was Despised Handel
7 D1 24. Chorus: Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs Handel
8 D2 25. Chorus: And With His Stripes We Are Healed Handel
9 D3 26. Chorus: All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray Handel
10 D4 27. Recitative - Tenor: All They That See Him Handel
11 D5 28. Chorus: He Trusted In God Handel
12 D6 29. Recitative - Soprano: Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart Handel
13 D7 30. Air - Soprano: Behold, And See If There Be Any Sorrow Like Unto His Sorrow Handel
14 D8 31. Recitative - Tenor: He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land Of The Living Handel
15 D9 32. Air - Tenor: But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell Handel
16 D10 33. Chorus: Lift Up Your Heads Handel
17 D11 34. Recitative - Tenor: Unto Which Of The Angels Said He At Any Time Handel
18 D12 35. Chorus: Let All The Angels Of God Worship Him Handel
19 D13 36. Air - Bass: Thou Art Gone Up On High Handel
Media 3: Cassette
Track Artist
1 E1a 37. Chorus: The Lord Gave The Word Handel
2 E1b 38. Air - Soprano: How Beautiful Are The Feet Of Them That Preach The Gospel Of Peace Handel
3 E1c 39. Chorus: The Sound Is Gone Out Into All Lands Handel
4 E1d 40. Air - Bass: Why Do The Nations? Handel
5 E1e 41. Chorus: Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder Handel
6 E1f 42. Recitative - Tenor: He That Dwelleth In Heaven Handel
7 E1g 43. Air: Thou Shalt Break Them With A Rod Of Iron Handel
8 E1h 44. Chorus: Hallelujah! Handel
9 E2a 45. Air - Soprano: I Know That My Redeemer Liveth Handel
10 E2b 46. Chorus: Since By Man Came Death Handel
11 F1 47. Recitative - Bass: Behold, I Tell You A Mystery Handel
12 F2 48. Air - Bass: The Trumpet Shall Sound Handel
13 F3 49. Recitative - Alto: Then Shall Be Brought To Pass The Saying That Is Written Handel
14 F4 50. Duet - Alto And Tenor: O Death, Where Is Thy Sting? Handel
15 F5 51. Chorus: But Thanks Be To God Handel
16 F6 52. Air - Soprano: If God Be For Us, Who Can Be Against Us? Handel
17 F7 53. Chorus: Worthy Is The Lamb Handel
Vinyl, Vinyl, Vinyl
World Record Club
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 1. Overture Handel
2 A2a 2. Recitative - Tenor: Comfort Ye, My People Handel
3 A2b 3. Air - Tenor: Every Valley Shall Be Exalted Handel
4 A2c 4. Chorus: And The Glory Of The Lord Handel
5 A2d 5. Recitative - Tenor: Thus Saith The Lord Handel
6 A2e 6. Air - Bass: But Who May Abide Handel
7 A2f 7. Chorus: And He Shall Purify Handel
8 B1a 8. Recitative - Alto: Behold A Virgin Shall Conceive Handel
9 B1b 9. Air - Alto And Chorus: O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion Handel
10 B1c 10. Recitative - Bass: And Darkness Shall Cover The Earth Handel
11 B1d 11. Air - Bass: The People That Walked In Darkness Handel
12 B1e 12. Chorus: For Unto Us A Child Is Born Handel
13 B2 13. Pastoral: Symphony Handel
14 B3a(i) 14. Recitative: There Were Shepherds Handel
15 B3a(ii) 14. Recitative - Soprano: And Lo! The Angel Of The Lord Came Upon Them Handel
16 B3b 15. Recitative - Soprano: And The Angel Said Unto Them Handel
17 B3c 16. Recitative - Soprano: And Suddenly There Was With The Angel Handel
18 B3d 17. Chorus: Glory To God Handel
19 B3e 18. Air - Soprano: Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion! Handel
Media 2: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 C1a 19. Recitative - Soprano: Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind Be Opened Handel
2 C1b(i) 20. Air - Alto: He Shall Feed His Flock Handel
3 C1b(ii) 20. Air - Alto: Come Unto Him Handel
4 C1c 21. Chorus: His Yoke Is Easy Handel
5 C2a 22. Chorus: Behold The Lamb Of God Handel
6 C2b 23. Air - Alto: He Was Despised Handel
7 D1 24. Chorus: Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs Handel
8 D2 25. Chorus: And With His Stripes We Are Healed Handel
9 D3 26. Chorus: All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray Handel
10 D4 27. Recitative - Tenor: All They That See Him Handel
11 D5 28. Chorus: He Trusted In God Handel
12 D6 29. Recitative - Soprano: Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart Handel
13 D7 30. Air - Soprano: Behold, And See If There Be Any Sorrow Like Unto His Sorrow Handel
14 D8 31. Recitative - Tenor: He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land Of The Living Handel
15 D9 32. Air - Tenor: But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell Handel
16 D10 33. Chorus: Lift Up Your Heads Handel
17 D11 34. Recitative - Tenor: Unto Which Of The Angels Said He At Any Time Handel
18 D12 35. Chorus: Let All The Angels Of God Worship Him Handel
19 D13 36. Air - Bass: Thou Art Gone Up On High Handel
Media 3: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 E1a 37. Chorus: The Lord Gave The Word Handel
2 E1b 38. Air - Soprano: How Beautiful Are The Feet Of Them That Preach The Gospel Of Peace Handel
3 E1c 39. Chorus: The Sound Is Gone Out Into All Lands Handel
4 E1d 40. Air - Bass: Why Do The Nations? Handel
5 E1e 41. Chorus: Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder Handel
6 E1f 42. Recitative - Tenor: He That Dwelleth In Heaven Handel
7 E1g 43. Air: Thou Shalt Break Them With A Rod Of Iron Handel
8 E1h 44. Chorus: Hallelujah! Handel
9 E2a 45. Air - Soprano: I Know That My Redeemer Liveth Handel
10 E2b 46. Chorus: Since By Man Came Death Handel
11 F1 47. Recitative - Bass: Behold, I Tell You A Mystery Handel
12 F2 48. Air - Bass: The Trumpet Shall Sound Handel
13 F3 49. Recitative - Alto: Then Shall Be Brought To Pass The Saying That Is Written Handel
14 F4 50. Duet - Alto And Tenor: O Death, Where Is Thy Sting? Handel
15 F5 51. Chorus: But Thanks Be To God Handel
16 F6 52. Air - Soprano: If God Be For Us, Who Can Be Against Us? Handel
17 F7 53. Chorus: Worthy Is The Lamb Handel
Vinyl, Vinyl, Vinyl
World Record Club
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 1. Overture Handel
2 A2a 2. Recitative - Tenor: Comfort Ye, My People Handel
3 A2b 3. Air - Tenor: Every Valley Shall Be Exalted Handel
4 A2c 4. Chorus: And The Glory Of The Lord Handel
5 A2d 5. Recitative - Tenor: Thus Saith The Lord Handel
6 A2e 6. Air - Bass: But Who May Abide Handel
7 A2f 7. Chorus: And He Shall Purify Handel
8 B1a 8. Recitative - Alto: Behold A Virgin Shall Conceive Handel
9 B1b 9. Air - Alto And Chorus: O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion Handel
10 B1c 10. Recitative - Bass: And Darkness Shall Cover The Earth Handel
11 B1d 11. Air - Bass: The People That Walked In Darkness Handel
12 B1e 12. Chorus: For Unto Us A Child Is Born Handel
13 B2 13. Pastoral: Symphony Handel
14 B3a(i) 14. Recitative: There Were Shepherds Handel
15 B3a(ii) 14. Recitative - Soprano: And Lo! The Angel Of The Lord Came Upon Them Handel
16 B3b 15. Recitative - Soprano: And The Angel Said Unto Them Handel
17 B3c 16. Recitative - Soprano: And Suddenly There Was With The Angel Handel
18 B3d 17. Chorus: Glory To God Handel
19 B3e 18. Air - Soprano: Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion! Handel
Media 2: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 C1a 19. Recitative - Soprano: Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind Be Opened Handel
2 C1b(i) 20. Air - Alto: He Shall Feed His Flock Handel
3 C1b(ii) 20. Air - Alto: Come Unto Him Handel
4 C1c 21. Chorus: His Yoke Is Easy Handel
5 C2a 22. Chorus: Behold The Lamb Of God Handel
6 C2b 23. Air - Alto: He Was Despised Handel
7 D1 24. Chorus: Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs Handel
8 D2 25. Chorus: And With His Stripes We Are Healed Handel
9 D3 26. Chorus: All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray Handel
10 D4 27. Recitative - Tenor: All They That See Him Handel
11 D5 28. Chorus: He Trusted In God Handel
12 D6 29. Recitative - Soprano: Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart Handel
13 D7 30. Air - Soprano: Behold, And See If There Be Any Sorrow Like Unto His Sorrow Handel
14 D8 31. Recitative - Tenor: He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land Of The Living Handel
15 D9 32. Air - Tenor: But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell Handel
16 D10 33. Chorus: Lift Up Your Heads Handel
17 D11 34. Recitative - Tenor: Unto Which Of The Angels Said He At Any Time Handel
18 D12 35. Chorus: Let All The Angels Of God Worship Him Handel
19 D13 36. Air - Bass: Thou Art Gone Up On High Handel
Media 3: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 E1a 37. Chorus: The Lord Gave The Word Handel
2 E1b 38. Air - Soprano: How Beautiful Are The Feet Of Them That Preach The Gospel Of Peace Handel
3 E1c 39. Chorus: The Sound Is Gone Out Into All Lands Handel
4 E1d 40. Air - Bass: Why Do The Nations? Handel
5 E1e 41. Chorus: Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder Handel
6 E1f 42. Recitative - Tenor: He That Dwelleth In Heaven Handel
7 E1g 43. Air: Thou Shalt Break Them With A Rod Of Iron Handel
8 E1h 44. Chorus: Hallelujah! Handel
9 E2a 45. Air - Soprano: I Know That My Redeemer Liveth Handel
10 E2b 46. Chorus: Since By Man Came Death Handel
11 F1 47. Recitative - Bass: Behold, I Tell You A Mystery Handel
12 F2 48. Air - Bass: The Trumpet Shall Sound Handel
13 F3 49. Recitative - Alto: Then Shall Be Brought To Pass The Saying That Is Written Handel
14 F4 50. Duet - Alto And Tenor: O Death, Where Is Thy Sting? Handel
15 F5 51. Chorus: But Thanks Be To God Handel
16 F6 52. Air - Soprano: If God Be For Us, Who Can Be Against Us? Handel
17 F7 53. Chorus: Worthy Is The Lamb Handel
Vinyl, Vinyl, Vinyl
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A Messiah: Handel Complete Version Part 1 Nos. 1 to 7 Handel
2 B Messiah: Handel Complete Version Part 3 (Conclusion) Nos. 47 to 53 Handel
Media 2: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 C Messiah: Handel Complete Version Part 1 (Cont.) Nos. 8 to 18 Handel
2 D Messiah: Handel Complete Version Part 2 (Conclusion) Nos. 37 to 44 / Part 3 Nos. 45 and 46 Handel
Media 3: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 E Messiah: Handel Complete Version Part 1 (Conclusion) Nos. 19 to 21 / Part 2 Nos. 22 and 23 Handel
2 F Messiah: Handel Complete Version Part 2 (Cont) Nos. 24 to 36 Handel
Vinyl, Vinyl, Vinyl
World Record Club
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 1. Overture Handel
2 A2a 2. Recitative - Tenor: Comfort Ye, My People Handel
3 A2b 3. Air - Tenor: Every Valley Shall Be Exalted Handel
4 A2c 4. Chorus: And The Glory Of The Lord Handel
5 A2d 5. Recitative - Tenor: Thus Saith The Lord Handel
6 A2e 6. Air - Bass: But Who May Abide Handel
7 A2f 7. Chorus: And He Shall Purify Handel
8 B1a 8. Recitative - Alto: Behold A Virgin Shall Conceive Handel
9 B1b 9. Air - Alto And Chorus: O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion Handel
10 B1c 10. Recitative - Bass: And Darkness Shall Cover The Earth Handel
11 B1d 11. Air - Bass: The People That Walked In Darkness Handel
12 B1e 12. Chorus: For Unto Us A Child Is Born Handel
13 B2 13. Pastoral: Symphony Handel
14 B3a(i) 14. Recitative: There Were Shepherds Handel
15 B3a(ii) 14. Recitative - Soprano: And Lo! The Angel Of The Lord Came Upon Them Handel
16 B3b 15. Recitative - Soprano: And The Angel Said Unto Them Handel
17 B3c 16. Recitative - Soprano: And Suddenly There Was With The Angel Handel
18 B3d 17. Chorus: Glory To God Handel
19 B3e 18. Air - Soprano: Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion! Handel
Media 2: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 C1a 19. Recitative - Soprano: Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind Be Opened Handel
2 C1b(i) 20. Air - Alto: He Shall Feed His Flock Handel
3 C1b(ii) 20. Air - Alto: Come Unto Him Handel
4 C1c 21. Chorus: His Yoke Is Easy Handel
5 C2a 22. Chorus: Behold The Lamb Of God Handel
6 C2b 23. Air - Alto: He Was Despised Handel
7 D1 24. Chorus: Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs Handel
8 D2 25. Chorus: And With His Stripes We Are Healed Handel
9 D3 26. Chorus: All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray Handel
10 D4 27. Recitative - Tenor: All They That See Him Handel
11 D5 28. Chorus: He Trusted In God Handel
12 D6 29. Recitative - Soprano: Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart Handel
13 D7 30. Air - Soprano: Behold, And See If There Be Any Sorrow Like Unto His Sorrow Handel
14 D8 31. Recitative - Tenor: He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land Of The Living Handel
15 D9 32. Air - Tenor: But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell Handel
16 D10 33. Chorus: Lift Up Your Heads Handel
17 D11 34. Recitative - Tenor: Unto Which Of The Angels Said He At Any Time Handel
18 D12 35. Chorus: Let All The Angels Of God Worship Him Handel
19 D13 36. Air - Bass: Thou Art Gone Up On High Handel
Media 3: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 E1a 37. Chorus: The Lord Gave The Word Handel
2 E1b 38. Air - Soprano: How Beautiful Are The Feet Of Them That Preach The Gospel Of Peace Handel
3 E1c 39. Chorus: The Sound Is Gone Out Into All Lands Handel
4 E1d 40. Air - Bass: Why Do The Nations? Handel
5 E1e 41. Chorus: Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder Handel
6 E1f 42. Recitative - Tenor: He That Dwelleth In Heaven Handel
7 E1g 43. Air: Thou Shalt Break Them With A Rod Of Iron Handel
8 E1h 44. Chorus: Hallelujah! Handel
9 E2a 45. Air - Soprano: I Know That My Redeemer Liveth Handel
10 E2b 46. Chorus: Since By Man Came Death Handel
11 F1 47. Recitative - Bass: Behold, I Tell You A Mystery Handel
12 F2 48. Air - Bass: The Trumpet Shall Sound Handel
13 F3 49. Recitative - Alto: Then Shall Be Brought To Pass The Saying That Is Written Handel
14 F4 50. Duet - Alto And Tenor: O Death, Where Is Thy Sting? Handel
15 F5 51. Chorus: But Thanks Be To God Handel
16 F6 52. Air - Soprano: If God Be For Us, Who Can Be Against Us? Handel
17 F7 53. Chorus: Worthy Is The Lamb Handel
Vinyl, Vinyl, Vinyl
Rifi Westminster
WSR LP 62300
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Sinfonia G.F.Haendel
2 A2 Arioso : Comfort Ye, Speak Ye Comfortably G.F.Haendel
3 A3 Aria : Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted G.F.Haendel
4 A4 Coro : And The Glory Of The Lord G.F.Haendel
5 A5 Recitativo : Thus Saith The Lord G.F.Haendel
6 A6 Aria : But Who May Abide G.F.Haendel
7 A7 Coro : And He Shall Purify G.F.Haendel
8 A8 Recitativo : Behold A Virgin Shall Conceive G.F.Haendel
9 A9 Aria E Coro: O Thou That Tellest G.F.Haendel
10 B1 Arioso : For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover G.F.Haendel
11 B2 Aria : The People That Walk In Darkness G.F.Haendel
12 B3 Coro : For Unto Us A Child Is Born G.F.Haendel
13 B4 Pifa : Sinfonia Pastorale G.F.Haendel
14 B5 Recitativo : There Were Shepherds G.F.Haendel
15 B6 Arioso : And, Lo, The Angel Of The Lord G.F.Haendel
16 B7 Recitativo : And The Angel Said Upon Them G.F.Haendel
17 B8 Arioso : And Suddenly There Was With The Angel G.F.Haendel
18 B9 Coro : Glory To God In The Highest G.F.Haendel
19 B10 Aria : Rejoice Greatly G.F.Haendel
20 B11 Recitativo : Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind G.F.Haendel
21 B12 Aria : He Shall Feed His Flock G.F.Haendel
22 B13 Coro : His Yoke Is Easy G.F.Haendel
Media 2: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 C1 Coro : Behold The Lamb Of God G.F.Haendel
2 C2 Aria : He Was Despised And Rejected G.F.Haendel
3 C3 Coro : Surely The Hath Borne Our Griefs G.F.Haendel
4 D1 Arioso : All They That See Him G.F.Haendel
5 D2 Coro : He Trusted In God G.F.Haendel
6 D3 Recitativo : Thy Rebuke Has Broken His Heart G.F.Haendel
7 D4 Arioso : Behold And See If There Be Any Sorrow G.F.Haendel
8 D5 Recitativo: He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land G.F.Haendel
9 D6 Aria : But Thou Dist Not Leave G.F.Haendel
10 D7 Coro : Lift Up Your Heads G.F.Haendel
11 D8 Recitativo : Unto Which Of The Angels G.F.Haendel
12 D9 Coro : Let All The Angels Of God G.F.Haendel
13 D10 Aria : Thou Art Gone Up One High G.F.Haendel
14 D11 Coro : The Lord Gave The Word G.F.Haendel
15 D12 Aria E Coro : How Beautiful Are The Feet / Their Sound Is Gone G.F.Haendel
Media 3: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 E1 Aria : Why Do The Nations G.F.Haendel
2 E2 Coro : Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder G.F.Haendel
3 E3 Recitativo : He That Dwelleth In Heaven G.F.Haendel
4 E4 Aria : Thou Shalt Break Them With A Rod Of Iron G.F.Haendel
5 E5 Coro : Hallelujah G.F.Haendel
6 E6 Aria : I Know That My Redeemer Liveth G.F.Haendel
7 E7 Coro : Since By Man Came Death G.F.Haendel
8 E8 Recitativo : Behold I Tell You A Mystery G.F.Haendel
9 E9 Aria : The Trumpet Shall Sound G.F.Haendel
10 F1 Recitativo : Then Shall Be Brought To Pass G.F.Haendel
11 F2 Duetto : O Death, Where Si Thy Sting? G.F.Haendel
12 F3 Coro : But Thanks To Be To God G.F.Haendel
13 F4 Aria : If God Be For Us G.F.Haendel
14 F5 Coro : Worthy Is The Lamb G.F.Haendel
Harmonia Mundi France
HMU 90705052
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1-1-13 Messiah (Part 1) Handel
2 1-14-20 Addenda to Part 1 Handel
Media 2: CD
Track Artist
1 2-1-12 Messiah (Part 2) Handel
2 2-13-20 Addenda to Part 2 Handel
Media 3: CD
Track Artist
1 3-1-10 Messiah (Part 3) Handel
2 3-11-12 Addenda to Part 3 Handel
Royal Classics
ROY 6430
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1 Comfort Ye Georg Friedrich Händel 3:46
2 2 Ev'ry Valley Georg Friedrich Händel 3:41
3 3 And The Glory Of The Land Georg Friedrich Händel 3:24
4 4 For Unto Us A Child Is Born Georg Friedrich Händel 4:40
5 5 Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind Georg Friedrich Händel 0:34
6 6 He Shall Feed His Flock - Come Unto Him Georg Friedrich Händel 6:28
7 7 Behold The Lamb Of God Georg Friedrich Händel 3:38
8 8 He Was Despised Georg Friedrich Händel 5:57
9 9 Hallelujah` Georg Friedrich Händel 4:38
10 10 I Know That My Redeemer Liveth Georg Friedrich Händel 7:46
11 11 Behold I Tell You A Mystery Georg Friedrich Händel 0:47
12 12 The Trumpet Shall Sound Georg Friedrich Händel 4:17
13 13 Worthy Is The Lamb - Amen Georg Friedrich Händel 7:43
The Messiah
0 36244 71052 8
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1-1 Symphony George Frideric Handel
2 1-2 Comfort Ye Comfort Ye My People George Frideric Handel
3 1-3 Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted George Frideric Handel
4 1-4 The Glory Of The Lord George Frideric Handel
5 1-5 Thus Saith The Lord Of Hosts George Frideric Handel
6 1-6 But Who May Abide The Day George Frideric Handel
7 1-7 And He Shall Purify George Frideric Handel
8 1-8 Behold A Virgin Shall Conceive George Frideric Handel
9 1-9 O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings George Frideric Handel
10 1-10 For Behold Darkness Shall Cover George Frideric Handel
11 1-11 The People That Walked George Frideric Handel
12 1-12 For Unto Us A Child Is Born George Frideric Handel
13 1-13 Larghetto E Mezzo Piano George Frideric Handel
14 1-14 There Were Shepherds; & The Angels Said Unto Them; & Suddenly There Was George Frideric Handel
15 1-15 Glory To God In The Highest George Frideric Handel
16 1-16 Rejoice Greatly O Daughter Of Zion George Frideric Handel
17 1-17 Then Shall The Eyes George Frideric Handel
18 1-18 He Shall Feed His Flock George Frideric Handel
19 1-19 His Yoke Is Easy George Frideric Handel
20 1-20 Behold The Lamb Of God George Frideric Handel
21 1-21 He Was Despised & Rejected George Frideric Handel
Media 2: CD
Track Artist
1 2-1 Chorus "Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs" George Frideric Handel
2 2-2 Chorus "And With His Stripes We Are Healed" George Frideric Handel
3 2-3 Chorus "All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray" George Frideric Handel
4 2-4 Accompagnato "All They That See Him" George Frideric Handel
5 2-5 Chorus "He Trusted In God" George Frideric Handel
6 2-6 Accompagnato "Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart" George Frideric Handel
7 2-7 Arioso "Behold And See If There" George Frideric Handel
8 2-8 Accompagnato "He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land" George Frideric Handel
9 2-9 Air "But Thou Didst Not Leave" George Frideric Handel
10 2-10 Chorus "Lift Up Your Heads" George Frideric Handel
11 2-11 Recitative "Unto Which Of The Angels" George Frideric Handel
12 2-12 Chorus "Let All The Angels Of God" George Frideric Handel
13 2-13 Air "Thou Art Gone Up On High" George Frideric Handel
14 2-14 Chorus "The Lord Gave The Word" George Frideric Handel
15 2-15 Air "How Beautiful Are The Feet" George Frideric Handel
16 2-16 Chorus "Their Sound Is Gone Out" George Frideric Handel
17 2-17 Air "Why Do The Nations So Furiously" George Frideric Handel
18 2-18 Chorus "Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder" George Frideric Handel
19 2-19 Recitative "He That Dwelleth In Heaven" George Frideric Handel
20 2-20 Air "Thou Shalt Break Them" George Frideric Handel
21 2-21 Chorus "Hallelujah" George Frideric Handel
22 2-22 Air "I Know That My Redeemer" George Frideric Handel
23 2-23 Chorus "Since By Man Came Death" George Frideric Handel
24 2-24 Recitative "Behold I Tell You A Mystery" George Frideric Handel
25 2-25 Air "The Trumpet Shall Sound" George Frideric Handel
26 2-26 Recitative "Then Shall Be Brought To Pass" George Frideric Handel
27 2-27 Duet "O Death Where Is Thy Sting" George Frideric Handel
28 2-28 Air "If God Be For Us" George Frideric Handel
29 2-29 Chorus "Worthy Is The Lamb" George Frideric Handel
0 15095 35462 4
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1-1 Sinfony Georg Friedrich Händel 3:15
2 1-2 Comfort Ye Georg Friedrich Händel 2:36
3 1-3 Every Valley Georg Friedrich Händel 3:38
4 1-4 And The Glory Of The Lord Georg Friedrich Händel 2:52
5 1-5 Thus Saith The Lord Of Hosts Georg Friedrich Händel 1:43
6 1-6 But Who May Abide Georg Friedrich Händel 3:25
7 1-7 And He Shall Purify Georg Friedrich Händel 2:45
8 1-8 Behold! A Virgin Shall Conceive Georg Friedrich Händel 0:25
9 1-9 O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion Georg Friedrich Händel 5:08
10 1-10 For, Behold! Darkness Shall Cover The Earth Georg Friedrich Händel 2:09
11 1-11 The People That Walked In Darkness Georg Friedrich Händel 3:22
12 1-12 For Unto Us A Child Is Born Georg Friedrich Händel 4:13
13 1-13 Pifa Georg Friedrich Händel 1:03
14 1-14 There Were Shepherds Abiding In The Field Georg Friedrich Händel 0:32
15 1-15 And, Lo! An Angel Of The Lord Came Upon Them Georg Friedrich Händel 0:40
16 1-16 And Suddenly There Was With The Angel's Multitude Georg Friedrich Händel 0:15
17 1-17 Glory To God Georg Friedrich Händel 2:07
18 1-18 Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion Georg Friedrich Händel 4:24
19 1-19 Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind Be Opened Georg Friedrich Händel 0:27
20 1-20 He Shall Feed The Flock Georg Friedrich Händel 5:09
21 1-21 His Yoke Is Easy Georg Friedrich Händel 2:32
22 1-22 Behold The Lamb Of God Georg Friedrich Händel 3:09
23 1-23 He Was Despised Georg Friedrich Händel 9:34
24 1-24 Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs Georg Friedrich Händel 1:36
25 1-25 And With His Stripes We Are Healed Georg Friedrich Händel 2:51
Media 2: CD
Track Artist
1 2-1 All We, Like Sheep Georg Friedrich Händel 4:07
2 2-2 All They That See Him Laugh Him To Scorn Georg Friedrich Händel 0:32
3 2-3 He Trusted In God Georg Friedrich Händel 2:32
4 2-4 Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart Georg Friedrich Händel 1:32
5 2-5 Behold And See Georg Friedrich Händel 1:30
6 2-6 He Was Cut Off Georg Friedrich Händel 0:24
7 2-7 But Thou Didst Not Leave Georg Friedrich Händel 2:32
8 2-8 Lift Up Your Heads / Who Is This King Of Glory / The Lord Strong And Mighty / The Lord Of Hosts: He Is The King Of Glory Georg Friedrich Händel 3:02
9 2-9 Unto Which Of The Angels Georg Friedrich Händel 0:23
10 2-10 Let All The Angels Of God Worship Him Georg Friedrich Händel 1:32
11 2-11 Thou Art Gone Up High Georg Friedrich Händel 3:53
12 2-12 The Lord Gave The Word Georg Friedrich Händel 1:05
13 2-13 How Beautiful Are The Feet Georg Friedrich Händel 3:00
14 2-14 Their Sound Is Gone Out Georg Friedrich Händel 1:15
15 2-15 Why Do The Nations So Furiously Rage Together Georg Friedrich Händel 3:08
16 2-16 Let Us Break Their Bonds Georg Friedrich Händel 1:56
17 2-17 He That Dwelleth In Heaven Georg Friedrich Händel 0:15
18 2-18 Thou Shalt Break Them Georg Friedrich Händel 2:18
19 2-19 Hallelujah! Georg Friedrich Händel 3:52
20 2-20 I Know That My Redeemer Liveth Georg Friedrich Händel 6:01
21 2-21 Since By Man Came Death Georg Friedrich Händel 2:00
22 2-22 Behold! I Tell You A Mystery Georg Friedrich Händel 0:36
23 2-23 The Trumpet Shall Sound Georg Friedrich Händel 4:36
24 2-24 Then Shall He Be Brought About Georg Friedrich Händel 0:18
25 2-25 O Death! Where Is Thy Sting? Georg Friedrich Händel 1:33
26 2-26 But Thanks Be To God Georg Friedrich Händel 3:13
27 2-27 If God Is For Us Georg Friedrich Händel 4:30
28 2-28 Worthy Is The Lamb Georg Friedrich Händel 6:50
Walsingham Classics
WAL 8025-4
Media 1: Cassette
Track Artist
1 A1 Overture Handel
2 A2 Recit. Comfort Ye My People Handel
3 A3 Chorus, And The Glory Of The Lord Handel
4 A4 Recit. Behold A Virgin Shall Conceive - Air And Chorus. O Thou That Tellest Handel
5 A5 Recit. For Behold, Darkness - Air. The People That Walked In Darkness Handel
6 A6 Chorus. For Unto Us A Child Is Born Handel
7 A7 Recit. There Were Shepherds - Recit. And Lo! The Angel Of The Lord - Recit. And The Angel - Recit. And Suddenly - Chorus. Glory To God In The Highest Handel
8 A8 Recit. Then Shall Be The Eyes Of The Blind Handel
9 B1 Chorus. Surely He Hath Borne Our Grief Handel
10 B2 Air. He Was Despised Handel
11 B3 Chorus. Lift Up Your Heads Handel
12 B4 Air. Why Do The Nations...? Handel
13 B5 Chorus. Hallelujah! Handel
14 B6 Air. I Know That My Redeemer Liveth Handel
15 B7 Chorus. Worthy Is The Lamb - Chorus. Amen Handel
The Messiah
Reader's Digest Music
U 96001 UB
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1-1 Overture Georg Friedrich Händel 5:08
2 1-2 Recitative: Comfort Ye My People; Air: Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted Georg Friedrich Händel 8:11
3 1-3 Chorus: And The Glory Of The Lord Georg Friedrich Händel 3:47
4 1-4a Recit.: Thus Saith The Lord; Air: But Who May Abide The Day Of His Coming? Georg Friedrich Händel 7:12
5 1-5 Chorus: And He Shall Purify Georg Friedrich Händel 3:01
6 1-6 Recit.: Behold! A Virgin Shall Conceive Georg Friedrich Händel 0:31
7 1-7 Air: O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion Georg Friedrich Händel 7:11
8 1-8 Recit.: For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover The Earth Georg Friedrich Händel 2:54
9 1-9 Air: The People That Walked In Darkness Georg Friedrich Händel 5:00
10 1-10 Chorus: For Unto Us A Child Is Born Georg Friedrich Händel 5:09
11 1-11 Pastoral Symphony; Recit.: There Were Shepherds Abiding In The Fields; And Lo! The Angel Of The Lord Came Upon Them; And The Angel Said Unto Them; And Suddenly There Was With The Angel; Chorus: Glory To God Georg Friedrich Händel 8:55
12 1-12 Air: Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion Georg Friedrich Händel 5:04
13 1-13 Recit.: Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind Be Opened Georg Friedrich Händel 0:35
14 1-14 Airs: He Shall Feed His Flock Like A Shepherd; Come Unto Him Georg Friedrich Händel 5:46
15 1-15 Chorus: His Yoke Is Easy, And His Burthen Is Light Georg Friedrich Händel 2:53
16 1-16 Chorus: Behold The Lamb Of God Georg Friedrich Händel 4:06
Media 2: CD
Track Artist
1 2-1 Air: He Was Despised Georg Friedrich Händel 5:36
2 2-2 Choruses: Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs; And With His Stripes We Are Healed; All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray Georg Friedrich Händel 10:39
3 2-3 Recit.: All They That See Him, Laugh Him To Scorn Georg Friedrich Händel 0:50
4 2-4 Chorus: He Trusted In God That He Would Deliver Him Georg Friedrich Händel 2:21
5 2-5 Recit.: Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart Georg Friedrich Händel 2:04
6 2-6 Air: Behold, And See If There Be Any Sorrow; Recit.: He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land Of The Living Georg Friedrich Händel 2:37
7 2-7 Air: But Thou Did'st Not Leave His Soul In Hell Georg Friedrich Händel 2:30
8 2-8 Chorus: Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates Georg Friedrich Händel 3:58
9 2-9 Chorus: The Lord Gave The Word Georg Friedrich Händel 1:46
10 2-10 Air: How Beautiful Are The Feet Of Them Georg Friedrich Händel 3:00
11 2-11 Chorus: Their Sound Is Gone Out Into All Lands Georg Friedrich Händel 2:02
12 2-12 Air: Why Do The Nations So Furiously Rage Together Georg Friedrich Händel 3:02
13 2-13 Chorus: Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder Georg Friedrich Händel 2:19
14 2-14 Recit.: He That Dwelleth In Heaven Georg Friedrich Händel 0:17
15 2-15 Air: Thou Shalt Break Them Georg Friedrich Händel 2:13
16 2-16 Chorus: Hallelujah Georg Friedrich Händel 5:12
17 2-17 Air: I Know That My Redeemer Liveth Georg Friedrich Händel 7:06
18 2-18 Chorus: Since By Man Came Death Georg Friedrich Händel 2:30
19 2-19 Recit.: Behold! I Tell You A Mystery Georg Friedrich Händel 0:41
20 2-20 Air: The Trumpet Shall Sound Georg Friedrich Händel 4:18
21 2-21 Choruses: Worthy Is The Lamb That Was Slain; Amen Georg Friedrich Händel 9:10
Dutton Laboratories, The Essential Archive
2CDEA5010, 2CDEA 5010
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 CD1 Part One Georg Friedrich Händel 9:45
Media 2: CD
Track Artist
1 CD2 Part Two + Part Three Georg Friedrich Händel 16:28
The Messiah
Reader's Digest
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1-1 Overture George Frederick Handel
2 1-2a Recit; Comfort Ye, My People George Frederick Handel
3 1-2b Air: Ev'ry Valley Shall be Exalted George Frederick Handel
4 1-3 Chorus: And The Glory Of The Lord George Frederick Handel
5 1-4a Recit: Thus Saith The Lord George Frederick Handel
6 1-4b Air: But Who May Abide The Day Of His Coming George Frederick Handel
7 1-5 Chorus: And He Shall Purify George Frederick Handel
8 1-6 Recit: Behold! A Virgin Shall Conceive George Frederick Handel
9 1-7 Air: O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion George Frederick Handel
10 1-8 Recit: For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover The Earth George Frederick Handel
11 1-9 Air: The People That Walked In Darkness George Frederick Handel
12 1-10 Chorus: For Unto Us A Child Is Born George Frederick Handel
13 1-11a Pastoral Symphony George Frederick Handel
14 1-11b Recit: There Were Shephards Abiding In The Fields George Frederick Handel
15 1-11c Recit: And Lo! The Angel Of The Lord Came Upon Them George Frederick Handel
16 1-11d Recit: And The Angel Said Unto Them George Frederick Handel
17 1-11e Recit: And Suddenly There Was With The Angel George Frederick Handel
18 1-11f Chorus: Glory To God George Frederick Handel
19 1-12 Air: Rejoice Gratly, O Daughter Of Zion George Frederick Handel
20 1-13 Recit: Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind Be Opened George Frederick Handel
21 1-14a Air: He Shall Feed His Flock Like A Shepherd George Frederick Handel
22 1-14b Air: Come Unto Him George Frederick Handel
23 1-15 Chorus: His Yoke Is Easy, And His Burthen Is Light George Frederick Handel
24 1-16 Chorus: Behold The Lamb Of God George Frederick Handel
Media 2: CD
Track Artist
1 2-1 Air: He Was Despised George Frederick Handel
2 2-2a Chorus: Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs George Frederick Handel
3 2-2b Chorus: And With His Stripes We Are Healed George Frederick Handel
4 2-2c Chorus: All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray George Frederick Handel
5 2-3 Recit: All They That See Him Laugh Him To Scorn George Frederick Handel
6 2-4 Chorus: He Trusted In God That He Would Deliver Him George Frederick Handel
7 2-5 Recit: Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart George Frederick Handel
8 2-6a Air: Behold, And See If There Be Any Sorrow George Frederick Handel
9 2-6b Recit: He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land Of The Living George Frederick Handel
10 2-7 Air: But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell George Frederick Handel
11 2-8 Chorus: Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates George Frederick Handel
12 2-9 Chorus: The Lord Gave The Word George Frederick Handel
13 2-10 Air: How Beautiful Are The Feet Of Them George Frederick Handel
14 2-11 Chorus: Their Sound Is Gone Out Into All Lands George Frederick Handel
15 2-12 Air; Why Do The Natons So Furiously Rage Together George Frederick Handel
16 2-13 Chorus: Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder George Frederick Handel
17 2-14 Recit.: He That Dwelleth In Heaven George Frederick Handel
18 2-15 Air: Thou Shalt Break Them George Frederick Handel
19 2-16 Chorus: Hallelujah George Frederick Handel
20 2-17 Air: I Know That My Redeemer Liveth George Frederick Handel
21 2-18 Chorus: Since By Man Came Death George Frederick Handel
22 2-19 Recit.: Behold! I Tell You A Mystery George Frederick Handel
23 2-20 Air: The Trumpet Shall Sound George Frederick Handel
24 2-21 Choruses: Worthy Is The Lamb That Was Slain: Amen George Frederick Handel
The Messiah
Reader's Digest
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1-1 Overture George Frederick Handel
2 1-2a Recitative: Comfort Ye, My People George Frederick Handel
3 1-2b Air: Ev'ry Valley Shall be Exalted George Frederick Handel
4 1-3 Chorus: And The Glory Of The Lord George Frederick Handel
5 1-4a Recit: Thus Saith The Lord George Frederick Handel
6 1-4b Air: But Who May Abide The Day Of His Coming George Frederick Handel
7 1-5 Chorus: And He Shall Purify George Frederick Handel
8 1-6 Recit: Behold! A Virgin Shall Conceive George Frederick Handel
9 1-7 Air: O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion George Frederick Handel
10 1-8 Recit: For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover The Earth George Frederick Handel
11 1-9 Air: The People That Walked In Darkness George Frederick Handel
12 1-10 Chorus: For Unto Us A Child Is Born George Frederick Handel
13 1-11a Pastoral Symphony George Frederick Handel
14 1-11b Recit: There Were Shephards Abiding In The Fields George Frederick Handel
15 1-11c Recit: And Lo! The Angel Of The Lord Came Upon Them George Frederick Handel
16 1-11d Recit: And The Angel Said Unto Them George Frederick Handel
17 1-11e Recit: And Suddenly There Was With The Angel George Frederick Handel
18 1-11f Chorus: Glory To God George Frederick Handel
19 1-12 Air: Rejoice Gratly, O Daughter Of Zion George Frederick Handel
20 1-13 Recit: Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind Be Opened George Frederick Handel
21 1-14a Air: He Shall Feed His Flock Like A Shepherd George Frederick Handel
22 1-14b Air: Come Unto Him George Frederick Handel
23 1-15 Chorus: His Yoke Is Easy, And His Burthen Is Light George Frederick Handel
24 1-16 Chorus: Behold The Lamb Of God George Frederick Handel
Media 2: CD
Track Artist
1 2-1 Air: He Was Despised George Frederick Handel
2 2-2a Chorus: Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs George Frederick Handel
3 2-2b Chorus: And With His Stripes We Are Healed George Frederick Handel
4 2-2c Chorus: All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray George Frederick Handel
5 2-3 Recit: All They That See Him Laugh Him To Scorn George Frederick Handel
6 2-4 Chorus: He Trusted In God That He Would Deliver Him George Frederick Handel
7 2-5 Recit: Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart George Frederick Handel
8 2-6a Air: Behold, And See If There Be Any Sorrow George Frederick Handel
9 2-6b Recit: He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land Of The Living George Frederick Handel
10 2-7 Air: But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell George Frederick Handel
11 2-8 Chorus: Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates George Frederick Handel
12 2-9 Chorus: The Lord Gave The Word George Frederick Handel
13 2-10 Air: How Beautiful Are The Feet Of Them George Frederick Handel
14 2-11 Chorus: Their Sound Is Gone Out Into All Lands George Frederick Handel
15 2-12 Air; Why Do The Natons So Furiously Rage Together George Frederick Handel
16 2-13 Chorus: Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder George Frederick Handel
17 2-14 Recit.: He That Dwelleth In Heaven George Frederick Handel
18 2-15 Air: Thou Shalt Break Them George Frederick Handel
19 2-16 Chorus: Hallelujah George Frederick Handel
20 2-17 Air: I Know That My Redeemer Liveth George Frederick Handel
21 2-18 Chorus: Since By Man Came Death George Frederick Handel
22 2-19 Recit.: Behold! I Tell You A Mystery George Frederick Handel
23 2-20 Air: The Trumpet Shall Sound George Frederick Handel
24 2-21 Choruses: Worthy Is The Lamb That Was Slain: Amen George Frederick Handel
The Messiah
Reader's Digest
RDCD 2091-2
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1-1 Overture George Frederick Handel
2 1-2 Recitative: Comfort Ye, My People George Frederick Handel
3 1-3 Air: Ev'ry Valley Shall be Exalted George Frederick Handel
4 1-4 Chorus: And The Glory Of The Lord George Frederick Handel
5 1-5 Recit: Thus Saith The Lord George Frederick Handel
6 1-6 Air: But Who May Abide The Day Of His Coming George Frederick Handel
7 1-7 Chorus: And He Shall Purify George Frederick Handel
8 1-8 Recit: Behold! A Virgin Shall Conceive George Frederick Handel
9 1-9 Air and Chorus: O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion George Frederick Handel
10 1-10 Recit: For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover The Earth George Frederick Handel
11 1-11 Air: The People That Walked In Darkness George Frederick Handel
12 1-12 Chorus: For Unto Us A Child Is Born George Frederick Handel
13 1-13 Pastoral Symphony George Frederick Handel
14 1-14a Recit: There Were Shephards Abiding In The Fields George Frederick Handel
15 1-14b Recit: And Lo! The Angel Of The Lord Came Upon Them George Frederick Handel
16 1-15 Recit: And The Angel Said Unto Them George Frederick Handel
17 1-16 Recit: And Suddenly There Was With The Angel George Frederick Handel
18 1-17 Chorus: Glory To God George Frederick Handel
19 1-18 Air: Rejoice Gratly, O Daughter Of Zion George Frederick Handel
20 1-19 Recit: Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind Be Opened George Frederick Handel
21 1-20a Air: He Shall Feed His Flock Like A Shepherd George Frederick Handel
22 1-20b Air: Come Unto Him George Frederick Handel
23 1-21` Chorus: His Yoke Is Easy, And His Burthen Is Light George Frederick Handel
24 1-22 Chorus: Behold The Lamb Of God George Frederick Handel
Media 2: CD
Track Artist
1 2-1 Air: He Was Despised George Frederick Handel
2 2-2 Chorus: Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs George Frederick Handel
3 2-3 Chorus: And With His Stripes We Are Healed George Frederick Handel
4 2-4 Chorus: All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray George Frederick Handel
5 2-5 Recit: All They That See Him Laugh Him To Scorn George Frederick Handel
6 2-6 Chorus: He Trusted In God That He Would Deliver Him George Frederick Handel
7 2-7 Recit: Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart George Frederick Handel
8 2-8 Air: Behold, And See If There Be Any Sorrow George Frederick Handel
9 2-9 Recit: He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land Of The Living George Frederick Handel
10 2-10 Air: But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell George Frederick Handel
11 2-11 Chorus: Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates George Frederick Handel
12 2-12 Chorus: The Lord Gave The Word George Frederick Handel
13 2-13 Air: How Beautiful Are The Feet Of Them George Frederick Handel
14 2-14 Chorus: Their Sound Is Gone Out Into All Lands George Frederick Handel
15 2-15 Air; Why Do The Natons So Furiously Rage Together George Frederick Handel
16 2-16 Chorus: Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder George Frederick Handel
17 2-17 Recit.: He That Dwelleth In Heaven George Frederick Handel
18 2-18 Air: Thou Shalt Break Them George Frederick Handel
19 2-19 Chorus: Hallelujah George Frederick Handel
20 2-20 Air: I Know That My Redeemer Liveth George Frederick Handel
21 2-21 Chorus: Since By Man Came Death George Frederick Handel
22 2-22 Recit.: Behold! I Tell You A Mystery George Frederick Handel
23 2-23 Air: The Trumpet Shall Sound George Frederick Handel
24 2-24 Choruses: Worthy Is The Lamb That Was Slain: Amen George Frederick Handel
The Messiah
Cassette, Cassette
Reader's Digest
Media 1: Cassette
Track Artist
1 A-1 Overture George Frederick Handel
2 A-2a Recitative: Comfort Ye, My People George Frederick Handel
3 A-2b Air: Ev'ry Valley Shall be Exalted George Frederick Handel
4 A-3 Chorus: And The Glory Of The Lord George Frederick Handel
5 A-4a Recit: Thus Saith The Lord George Frederick Handel
6 A-4b Air: But Who May Abide The Day Of His Coming George Frederick Handel
7 A-5 Chorus: And He Shall Purify George Frederick Handel
8 A-6 Recit: Behold! A Virgin Shall Conceive George Frederick Handel
9 A-7 Air: O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion George Frederick Handel
10 A-8 Recit: For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover The Earth George Frederick Handel
11 B-1 Air: The People That Walked In Darkness George Frederick Handel
12 B-2 Chorus: For Unto Us A Child Is Born George Frederick Handel
13 B-3a Pastoral Symphony George Frederick Handel
14 B-3b Recit: There Were Shephards Abiding In The Fields George Frederick Handel
15 B-3c Recit: And Lo! The Angel Of The Lord Came Upon Them George Frederick Handel
16 B-3d Recit: And The Angel Said Unto Them George Frederick Handel
17 B-3e Recit: And Suddenly There Was With The Angel George Frederick Handel
18 B-3f Chorus: Glory To God George Frederick Handel
19 B-4 Air: Rejoice Gratly, O Daughter Of Zion George Frederick Handel
20 B-5 Recit: Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind Be Opened George Frederick Handel
21 B-6a Air: He Shall Feed His Flock Like A Shepherd George Frederick Handel
22 B-6b Air: Come Unto Him George Frederick Handel
23 B-7 Chorus: His Yoke Is Easy, And His Burthen Is Light George Frederick Handel
24 B-8 Chorus: Behold The Lamb Of God George Frederick Handel
Media 2: Cassette
Track Artist
1 C-1 Air: He Was Despised George Frederick Handel
2 C-2a Chorus: Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs George Frederick Handel
3 C-2b Chorus: And With His Stripes We Are Healed George Frederick Handel
4 C-2c Chorus: All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray George Frederick Handel
5 C-3 Recit: All They That See Him Laugh Him To Scorn George Frederick Handel
6 C-4 Chorus: He Trusted In God That He Would Deliver Him George Frederick Handel
7 C-5 Recit: Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart George Frederick Handel
8 C-6a Air: Behold, And See If There Be Any Sorrow George Frederick Handel
9 C-6b Recit: He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land Of The Living George Frederick Handel
10 C-7 Air: But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell George Frederick Handel
11 C-8 Chorus: Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates George Frederick Handel
12 C-9 Chorus: The Lord Gave The Word George Frederick Handel
13 C-10 Air: How Beautiful Are The Feet Of Them George Frederick Handel
14 C-11 Chorus: Their Sound Is Gone Out Into All Lands George Frederick Handel
15 D-1 Air; Why Do The Natons So Furiously Rage Together George Frederick Handel
16 D-2 Chorus: Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder George Frederick Handel
17 D-3 Recit.: He That Dwelleth In Heaven George Frederick Handel
18 D-4 Air: Thou Shalt Break Them George Frederick Handel
19 D-5 Chorus: Hallelujah George Frederick Handel
20 D-6 Air: I Know That My Redeemer Liveth George Frederick Handel
21 D-7 Chorus: Since By Man Came Death George Frederick Handel
22 D-8 Recit.: Behold! I Tell You A Mystery George Frederick Handel
23 D-9 Air: The Trumpet Shall Sound George Frederick Handel
24 D-10 Choruses: Worthy Is The Lamb That Was Slain: Amen George Frederick Handel
The Messiah
Definitive Records
8 05386 00342 9
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1 Recitative: Comfort Ye, My People, Saith Your God Georg Friedrich Händel
2 2 Air: Every Valley Shall Be Exalted Georg Friedrich Händel
3 3 Chorus: And The Glory Of The Lord Shall Be Revealed Georg Friedrich Händel
4 4 Chorus: And He Shall Purify The Sons Of Levi Georg Friedrich Händel
5 5 Chorus: For Unto Us A Child Is Born Georg Friedrich Händel
6 6 Pifa (Pastoral Symphony) Georg Friedrich Händel
7 7 Air: Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion Georg Friedrich Händel
8 8 Air: He Shall Feed His Flock Like A Shepherd Georg Friedrich Händel
9 9 Chorus: Behold The Lamb Of God Georg Friedrich Händel
10 10 Air: He Was Despised And Rejected By Man Georg Friedrich Händel
11 11 Chorus: All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray Georg Friedrich Händel
12 12 Chorus: The Trumpet Shall Sound Georg Friedrich Händel
13 13 Hallelujah Chorus! For The Lord God Omnipotent Reigneth Georg Friedrich Händel
Maulbronn Monastery Edition, K&K Verlagsanstalt
KuK 20, KuK 20
42 6000591 035 3
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1.01 Symphony George Frideric Handel 3:13
2 1.02 Comfort Ye My People, Saith Your God (Accompagnato.Tenor) George Frideric Handel 3:10
3 1.03 Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted (Air.Tenor) George Frideric Handel 3:24
4 1.04 And The Glory Of The Lord Shall Be Revealed (Chorus) George Frideric Handel 2:27
5 1.05 Thus Saith The Lord, The Lord Of Hosts (Accompagnato.Bass) George Frideric Handel 1:24
6 1.06 But Who May Abide The Day Of His Coming (Air.Alto) George Frideric Handel 4:33
7 1.07 And He Shall Purify The Sons Of Levi (Chorus) George Frideric Handel 2:40
8 1.08 O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion / Arise, Shine, For Thy Light Is Come (Air.Mezzo-soprano & Chorus) George Frideric Handel 5:28
9 1.09 For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover The Earth (Accompagnato.Bass) George Frideric Handel 2:12
10 1.10 The People That Walked In Darkness Have Seen A Great Light (Air.Bass) George Frideric Handel 3:32
11 1.11 For Unto Us A Child Is Born (Chorus) George Frideric Handel 3:47
12 1.12 Pifa (Pastoral Symphony) George Frideric Handel 2:58
13 1.13 And Lo, The Angel Of The Lord Came Upon Them (Accompagnato.Soprano) George Frideric Handel 0:53
14 1.14 And Suddenly There Was With The Angel (Accompagnato.Soprano) George Frideric Handel 0:16
15 1.15 Glory To God In The Highest, And Peace On Earth (Chorus) George Frideric Handel 1:53
16 1.16 Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion (Air.Soprano) George Frideric Handel 4:34
17 1.17 He Shall Feed His Flock Like A Shepherd (Duet.Mezzo-soprano,Soprano) George Frideric Handel 5:40
18 1.18 His Yoke Is Easy, And His Burthen Is Light (Chorus) George Frideric Handel 2:17
19 1.19 Behold The Lamb Of God (Chorus) George Frideric Handel 2:59
20 1.20 He Was Despised And Rejected Of Men (Air.Mezzo-soprano) George Frideric Handel 11:06
21 1.21 Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs And Carried Our Sorrows (Chorus) George Frideric Handel 2:03
22 1.22 And With His Stripes We Are Healed (Chorus) George Frideric Handel 1:55
23 1.23 All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray (Chorus) George Frideric Handel 4:19
Media 2: CD
Track Artist
1 2.01 All They That See Him Laugh (Accompagnato.Tenor) George Frideric Handel 0:44
2 2.02 He Trusted In God That He Would Deliver Him (Chorus) George Frideric Handel 2:20
3 2.03 Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart (Accompagnato.Tenor) George Frideric Handel 2:25
4 2.04 Behold, And See If There Be Any Sorrow (Arioso.Tenor) George Frideric Handel 1:39
5 2.05 He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land Of The Living (Accompagnato.Tenor) George Frideric Handel 0:20
6 2.06 But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell (Air.Tenor) George Frideric Handel 1:54
7 2.07 Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates. Who Is This King Of Glory? (Chorus) George Frideric Handel 3:29
8 2.08 Let All The Angels Of God Worship Him (Chorus) George Frideric Handel 1:23
9 2.09 Thou Art Gone Up On High (Air.Bass) George Frideric Handel 3:25
10 2.10 The Lord Gave The Word (Chorus) George Frideric Handel 1:10
11 2.11 How Beautiful Are The Feet Of Them (Air.Soprano) George Frideric Handel 2:06
12 2.12 Their Sound Is Gone Out Into All Lands (Chorus) George Frideric Handel 1:31
13 2.13 Why Do The Nations So Furiously Rage Together (Air.Bass) George Frideric Handel 2:40
14 2.14 Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder (Chorus) George Frideric Handel 1:51
15 2.15 Thou Shalt Break Them With A Rod Of Iron (Air.Tenor) George Frideric Handel 2:05
16 2.16 Hallelujah (Chorus) George Frideric Handel 3:40
17 2.17 I Know That My Redeemer Liveth (Air.Soprano) George Frideric Handel 5:55
18 2.18 Since By Man Came Death (Chorus) George Frideric Handel 2:11
19 2.19 Behold, I Tell You A Mystery (Accompagnato.Bass) George Frideric Handel 0:45
20 2.20 The Trumpet Shall Sound (Air.Bass) George Frideric Handel 9:05
21 2.21 O Death, Where Is Thy Sting? (Duet.Alto,Tenor) George Frideric Handel 1:06
22 2.22 But Thanks Be To God (Chorus) George Frideric Handel 2:19
23 2.23 If God Be For Us (Air.Soprano) George Frideric Handel 4:54
24 2.24 Worthy Is The Lamb That Was Slain (Chorus) George Frideric Handel 3:38
25 2.25 Amen (Chorus) George Frideric Handel 4:11
Classic FM, Decca
CFM FW 019, CFM FW 019
0 28947 66541 0
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1 Sinfony (Overture) Handel
2 2 Comfort Ye My People Handel
3 3 Every Valley Shall Be Exalted Handel
4 4 And The Glory Of The Lord Handel
5 5 Thus Saith The Lord Handel
6 6 Be Who May Abide Handel
7 7 And He Shall Purify The Sons Of Levi Handel
8 8 Behold A Virgin Shall Conceive Handel
9 9 O Thou The Tellest Good Tidings To Zion Handel
10 10 For Unto Us A Child Is Born Handel
11 11 Pastoral Symphony Handel
12 12 There Were Shephards Abiding In The Field Handel
13 13 And Lo, The Angel Of The Lord Handel
14 14 Glory To God Handel
15 15 Behold The Lamb Of God Handel
16 16 All They That See Him Handel
17 17 He Trusted In God Handel
18 18 Be Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell Handel
19 19 Lift Up Your Heads Handel
20 20 How Beautiful Are The Feet Handel
21 21 Why Do The Nations So Furiously Rage Together? Handel
22 22 Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder Handel
23 23 Hallelujah Chorus Handel
24 24 I Know My Redeemer Liveth Handel
25 25 Since By Man Came Death Handel
26 26 Behold I Tell You A Mystery Handel
27 27 The Trumpet Shall Sound Handel
28 28 Worthy Is The Lamb Handel
29 29 Amen Chorus Handel
Sony Classical
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1 Choir: „And The Glory Of The Lord" George Frideric Handel 3:20
2 2 Recitative (Alto): „Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive" George Frideric Handel 0:36
3 3 Aria (Alto & Choir): „O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion" George Frideric Handel 7:01
4 4 Choir: „For Unto Us A Child Is Born" George Frideric Handel 4:14
5 5 Pifa (Pastoral Symphony) George Frideric Handel 4:01
6 6 Choir: „Glory To God" George Frideric Handel 1:34
7 7 Duet (Alto, Soprano): „He Shall Feed His Flock Like A Shepherd" George Frideric Handel 7:02
8 8 Choir: „His Yoke Is Easy, His Burthen Is Light" George Frideric Handel 2:43
9 9 Choir: „Behold The Lamb Of God" George Frideric Handel 3:50
10 10 Aria (Alto): „He Was Despised" George Frideric Handel 6:05
11 11 Choir: „All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray" George Frideric Handel 4:15
12 12 Choir: „Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates" George Frideric Handel 3:03
13 13 Aria (Bass): „Why Do The Nations So Furiously Rage Together" George Frideric Handel 2:41
14 14 Choir: „Hallelujah" George Frideric Handel 3:57
15 15 Aria (Soprano): „I Know That My Redeemer Liveth" George Frideric Handel 7:08
16 16 Aria (Bass): „The Trumpet Shall Sound" George Frideric Handel 6:51
17 17 Choir: „Worthy Is The Lamb That Was Slain" George Frideric Handel 6:33
Classic FM
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 Cd 1 Part 1-19 Georg Friedrich Händel
2 Cd 2 Part 20-21 Georg Friedrich Händel
The Messiah
Reader's Digest
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1-1 Overture George Frederick Handel 5:08
2 1-2 Recit; Comfort Ye, My People George Frederick Handel 3:58
3 1-3 Air: Ev'ry Valley Shall be Exalted George Frederick Handel 4:13
4 1-4 Chorus: And The Glory Of The Lord George Frederick Handel 3:47
5 1-5 Recit: Thus Saith The Lord George Frederick Handel 1:49
6 1-6 Air: But Who May Abide / The Day Of His Coming George Frederick Handel 5:26
7 1-7 Chorus: And He Shall Purify George Frederick Handel 3:01
8 1-8 Recit: Behold! A Virgin Shall Conceive George Frederick Handel 0:31
9 1-9 Air: O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion George Frederick Handel 7:11
10 1-10 Recit: For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover The Earth George Frederick Handel 2:54
11 1-11 Air: The People That Walked In Darkness George Frederick Handel 5:00
12 1-12 Chorus: For Unto Us A Child Is Born George Frederick Handel 5:09
13 1-13 Pastoral Symphony George Frederick Handel 8:55
14 1-14 Recit: There Were Shephards Abiding In The Fields; And Lo! The Angel Of The Lord Came George Frederick Handel 0:53
15 1-15 Recit: And The Angel Said Unto Them George Frederick Handel 0:52
16 1-16 Recit: And Suddenly There Was With The Angel George Frederick Handel 0:24
17 1-17 Chorus: Glory To God George Frederick Handel 2:45
18 1-18 Air: Rejoice Gratly, O Daughter Of Zion George Frederick Handel 5:04
19 1-19 Recit: Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind Be Opened George Frederick Handel 0:35
20 1-20 Air: He Shall Feed His Flock Like A Shepherd / Come Unto Him George Frederick Handel 5:46
21 1-21 Chorus: His Yoke Is Easy, And His Burthen Is Light George Frederick Handel 2:53
22 1-22 Chorus: Behold The Lamb Of God George Frederick Handel 4:06
Media 2: CD
Track Artist
1 2-1 Air: He Was Despised George Frederick Handel 5:36
2 2-2 Chorus: Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs George Frederick Handel 3:19
3 2-3 Chorus: And With His Stripes We Are Healed George Frederick Handel 2:10
4 2-4 Chorus: All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray George Frederick Handel 5:11
5 2-5 Recit: All They That See Him Laugh Him To Scorn George Frederick Handel 0:50
6 2-6 Chorus: He Trusted In God That He Would Deliver Him George Frederick Handel 2:21
7 2-7 Recit: Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart George Frederick Handel 2:04
8 2-8 Air: Behold, And See If There Be Any Sorrow George Frederick Handel 2:37
9 2-9 Recit: He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land Of The Living George Frederick Handel 0:25
10 2-10 Air: But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell George Frederick Handel 2:30
11 2-11 Chorus: Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates George Frederick Handel 3:58
12 2-12 Chorus: The Lord Gave The Word George Frederick Handel 1:46
13 2-13 Air: How Beautiful Are The Feet George Frederick Handel 3:00
14 2-14 Chorus: Their Sound Is Gone Out Into All Lands George Frederick Handel 2:02
15 2-15 Air; Why Do The Natons So Furiously Rage Together George Frederick Handel 3:02
16 2-16 Chorus: Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder George Frederick Handel 2:19
17 2-17 Recit.: He That Dwelleth In Heaven George Frederick Handel 0:17
18 2-18 Air: Thou Shalt Break Them George Frederick Handel 2:13
19 2-19 Chorus: Hallelujah George Frederick Handel 5:12
20 2-20 Air: I Know That My Redeemer Liveth George Frederick Handel 7:06
21 2-21 Chorus: Since By Man Came Death George Frederick Handel 2:30
22 2-22 Recit.: Behold! I Tell You A Mystery George Frederick Handel 0:41
23 2-23 Air: The Trumpet Shall Sound George Frederick Handel 4:18
24 2-24 Choruses: Worthy Is The Lamb That Was Slain / Amen George Frederick Handel 9:10
Vinyl, Vinyl, Vinyl, Vinyl
ВХА 1866
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A Biblical Oratorio "Messiah" G. Fr. Handel
2 B Biblical Oratorio "Messiah" G. Fr. Handel
Media 2: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 C Biblical Oratorio "Messiah" G. Fr. Handel
2 D Biblical Oratorio "Messiah" G. Fr. Handel
Media 3: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 E Biblical Oratorio "Messiah" G. Fr. Handel
2 F Biblical Oratorio "Messiah" G. Fr. Handel
Media 4: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 G Biblical Oratorio "Messiah" G. Fr. Handel
2 H Biblical Oratorio "Messiah" G. Fr. Handel
Vinyl, Vinyl, Vinyl
Reader's Digest
RDS 5084/86
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Overture George Frederick Handel
2 A2 Recit.: Comfort ye George Frederick Handel
3 A3 Air: Ev'ry valley George Frederick Handel
4 A4 Chorus - And The Glory Of The Lord George Frederick Handel
5 A5 Recit.: Thus Saith The Lord George Frederick Handel
6 A6 Air: But Who May Abide George Frederick Handel
7 A7 Chorus: And He Shall Purify George Frederick Handel
8 B1 Recit: Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive George Frederick Handel
9 B2 Air: O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings George Frederick Handel
10 B3 Recit.: For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover The Earth George Frederick Handel
11 B4 Air: The People That Walked In Darkness George Frederick Handel
12 B5 Chorus: For Unto Us A Child Is Born George Frederick Handel
Media 2: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 C1 Pastoral Symphony George Frederick Handel
2 C2 Recit.: There Were Shepherds George Frederick Handel
3 C3 Recit.: And Lo, The Angel Of The Lord George Frederick Handel
4 C4 Recit.: And The Angel Said Unto Them George Frederick Handel
5 C5 Recit.: And Suddenly George Frederick Handel
6 C6 Chorus : Glory To God George Frederick Handel
7 C7 Air: Rejoice Greatly George Frederick Handel
8 C8 Recit.: Then Shall The Eyes George Frederick Handel
9 C9 Air: He Shall Feed His Flock (Come Unto Him) George Frederick Handel
10 C10 Air: Come Unto Him George Frederick Handel
11 C11 Chorus: His Yoke Is Easy George Frederick Handel
12 D1 Chorus: Behold The Lamb Of God George Frederick Handel
13 D2 Air: He Was Despised George Frederick Handel
14 D3 Chorus: Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs George Frederick Handel
15 D4 Chorus: And With His Stripes George Frederick Handel
16 D5 Chorus: All We Like Sheep George Frederick Handel
17 D6 Recit.: All They That See Him George Frederick Handel
18 D7 Chorus: He Trusted In God George Frederick Handel
19 D9 Recit.: Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart George Frederick Handel
20 D10 Air: Behold, And See George Frederick Handel
21 D11 Recit.: He Was Cut Off George Frederick Handel
22 D12 Air: But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell George Frederick Handel
Media 3: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 E1 Chorus: Lift Up Your Heads George Frederick Handel
2 E2 Chorus: The Lord Gave The Word George Frederick Handel
3 E3 Air: How Beautiful Are The Feet George Frederick Handel
4 E4 Chorus: Their Sound Is Gone Out Unto All Lands George Frederick Handel
5 E5 Air: Why Do The Nations George Frederick Handel
6 E6 Chorus: Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder George Frederick Handel
7 E7 Recit.: He That Dwelleth In Heaven George Frederick Handel
8 E8 Air: Thou Shalt Break Them George Frederick Handel
9 E9 Chorus: Hallelujah! George Frederick Handel
10 F1 Air: I Know That My Redeemer Liveth George Frederick Handel
11 F2 Quartet: Since By Man Came Death George Frederick Handel
12 F3 Chorus: By Man Came Also The Resurrection Of The Dead George Frederick Handel
13 F4 Quartet: For As In Adam All Die George Frederick Handel
14 F5 Chorus: Even So In Christ George Frederick Handel
15 F6 Recit.: Behold, I Tell You A Mystery George Frederick Handel
16 F7 Air: The Trumpet Shall Sound George Frederick Handel
17 F8 Chorus: Worthy Is The Lamb George Frederick Handel
18 F9 Chorus: Amen George Frederick Handel
12" Vinyl
DX 635
Media 1: 12" Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A Messiah 11 Georg Friedrich Händel
2 B Messiah 12 Georg Friedrich Händel
Vinyl, Vinyl
L 09412/13L
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A I. Teil Handel
2 D I. Teil (Fortsetzung) Handel
3 B I. Teil (Schluss) - II. Teil Handel
Media 2: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 C II. Teil (Schluss) Handel
Sine Qua Non Superba
SA 2013
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Sinfony; Comfort y (tenor Aria); Every Valley (tenor Aria); And The Glory (Chorus) Georg Friedrich Händel 13:42
2 A1 For Unto Us A Child (Chorus) Georg Friedrich Händel 4:06
3 A1 There Were Shepheds And Suddenly (Soprano Recitative); Glory To God (Chorus) Georg Friedrich Händel 4:17
4 A1 His Yoke Is Easy (Chorus) Georg Friedrich Händel 2:28
5 A1 He Was Dispised (alt Aria - Da Capo Only) Georg Friedrich Händel 4:50
6 A2 Surely He Hath Borne; And With His Stripes; All We Like Sheep (Chorus) Georg Friedrich Händel 8:04
7 A2 Lift Up Your Heads (Chorus) Georg Friedrich Händel 3:18
8 A2 The Lord Gave The Word (Chorus); How Beautiful (Soporano Aria); Thier Sound Is Gone Out (Chorus); Why Do The Antions? (Bass Aira); Let Us Break Their Bonds (chorus) Georg Friedrich Händel 7:41
9 A2 Halleluja (Chorus) Georg Friedrich Händel 3:43
10 A2 Worthy Is The Lamb; Blessing And Honor; Amen (Chorus) Georg Friedrich Händel 7:08
Vinyl, Vinyl, Vinyl
Reader's Digest
RDS-17 -3
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Overture George Frederick Handel
2 A2 Comfort Ye My People George Frederick Handel
3 A3 Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted George Frederick Handel
4 A4 And The Glory Of The Lord Shall Be Revealed George Frederick Handel
5 A5 Thus Saith The Lord George Frederick Handel
6 A6 But Who May Abide The Day Of His Coming George Frederick Handel
7 A7 And He Shall Purify The Sons Of Levi George Frederick Handel
8 B1 Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive George Frederick Handel
9 B2 O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings George Frederick Handel
10 B3 For Behold ...Darkness Shall Cover The Earth George Frederick Handel
11 B4 The People That Walked In Darkness George Frederick Handel
12 B5 For Unto Us A Child Is Born George Frederick Handel
Media 2: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 C1 Pastoral Symphony - There Were Shepherds George Frederick Handel
2 C2 Pastoral Symphony - And Lo, The Angel Of The Lord George Frederick Handel
3 C3 Pastoral Symphony - And The Angel Said Unto Them George Frederick Handel
4 C4 Pastoral Symphony - And Suddenly George Frederick Handel
5 C5 Glory To God In The Highest George Frederick Handel
6 C6 Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind Be Opened George Frederick Handel
7 C7 His Yoke Is Easy George Frederick Handel
8 D1 Behold The Lamb Of God George Frederick Handel
9 D2 He Was Despised And Rejected Of Men George Frederick Handel
10 D3 Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs George Frederick Handel
11 D4 And With His Stripes We Are Healed George Frederick Handel
12 D5 All We, Like Sheep Have Gone Astray George Frederick Handel
13 D6 All They That See Him George Frederick Handel
14 D7 He Trusted In God George Frederick Handel
15 D9 Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart George Frederick Handel
16 D10 Behold, And See If There Are Any Sorrow George Frederick Handel
17 D11 He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land George Frederick Handel
18 D12 But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell George Frederick Handel
Media 3: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 E1 Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates George Frederick Handel
2 E2 The Lord Gave The Word George Frederick Handel
3 E3 How Beautiful Are The Feet Of Them George Frederick Handel
4 E4 Their Sound Is Gone Out Unto All Lands George Frederick Handel
5 E5 Why Do The Nations So Furiously Rage Together George Frederick Handel
6 E6 Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder George Frederick Handel
7 E7 He That Dwelleth In Heaven George Frederick Handel
8 E8 Thou Shalt Break Them With A Rod Of Iron George Frederick Handel
9 E9 Hallelujah! George Frederick Handel
10 F1 I Know That My Redeemer Liveth George Frederick Handel
11 F2 Since By Man Came Death George Frederick Handel
12 F3 Behold, I Tell You A Mystery George Frederick Handel
13 F4 The Trumpet Shall Sound George Frederick Handel
14 F5 Worthy Is The Lamb That Was Slain George Frederick Handel
Universale Sales
7 72126 22003 6
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1 Comfort Ye My People Handel
2 2 Every Valley Shall Be Exalted Handel
3 3 And The Glory Of The Lord Handel
4 4 For Unto A Child Is Born Handel
5 5 Glory To God In The Highest Handel
6 6 Rejoice Greatly O Daughter Of Zion Handel
7 7 He Shall Feed His Flock Like A Shephard Handel
8 8 Behold The Lamb Of God Handel
9 9 Lift Your Head Up, O Ye Gates Handel
10 10 How Beautiful Are The Feet Of Them Handel
11 11 Why Do The Nations So Furiously Rage Handel
12 12 Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder Handel
13 13 Hallelujiah Handel
14 14 I Know That My Redeemer Liveth Handel
15 15 Behold, I Tell You A Mystery Handel
16 16 The Trumpet Shall Sound Handel
17 17 Worthy Is The Lamb That Was Slain Handel
18 18 Amen Handel
Brilliant Classics
5 028421 777115
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1-1 Sinfonia George Frideric Handel 3:07
2 1-2 Recitative-tenor: Comfort Ye My People George Frideric Handel 3:49
3 1-3 Aria-tenor: Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted George Frideric Handel 3:57
4 1-4 Chorus: And The Glory, The Glory Of The Lord George Frideric Handel 2:38
5 1-5 Recitative-bass: Thus Saith The Lord George Frideric Handel 1:30
6 1-6 Aria-bass: But Who May Abide George Frideric Handel 4:38
7 1-7 Chorus: And He Shall Purify George Frideric Handel 1:45
8 1-8 Recitative-alto: Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive George Frideric Handel 0:24
9 1-9 Aria-alto & Chorus: O Thou That Tellest George Frideric Handel 6:15
10 1-10 Recitative-bass: For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover The Earth George Frideric Handel 1:38
11 1-11 Aria-bass: The People That Walked In Darkness George Frideric Handel 4:25
12 1-12 Chorus: For Unto Us A Child Is Born George Frideric Handel 4:14
13 1-13 Pifa (Pastoral Symphony) George Frideric Handel 3:43
14 1-14 Recitative-soprano: There Were Shepherds; And Lo, The Angel Of The Lord George Frideric Handel 0:47
15 1-15 Recitative-soprano: And The Angels Said Unto Them George Frideric Handel 0:38
16 1-16 Recitative-soprano: And Suddenly There Was With The Angle George Frideric Handel 0:21
17 1-17 Chorus: Glory To God In The Highest George Frideric Handel 1:40
18 1-18 Aria-soprano: Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion George Frideric Handel 5:04
19 1-19 Recitative-alto: Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind George Frideric Handel 0:34
20 1-20 Duet Alto & Soprano: And He Shall Feed His Flock George Frideric Handel 5:47
21 1-21 Chorus: His Yoke Is Easy George Frideric Handel 2:47
22 1-22 Chorus: Behold The Lamb Of God George Frideric Handel 3:06
23 1-23 Aria-alto: He Was Despised George Frideric Handel 10:55
Media 2: CD
Track Artist
1 2-1 Chorus: Surely, He Hath Borne Our Griefs George Frideric Handel 3:14
2 2-2 Chorus: And With His Stripes We Are Healed George Frideric Handel 1:39
3 2-3 Chorus: All We Like Sheep George Frideric Handel 3:31
4 2-4 Recitative-tenor: All They That See Him George Frideric Handel 0:46
5 2-5 Chorus: He Trusted In God George Frideric Handel 2:02
6 2-6 Recitative-tenor: Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart George Frideric Handel 1:54
7 2-7 Aria-tenor: Behold, And See If There Be Any Sorrow George Frideric Handel 1:28
8 2-8 Recitative-tenor: He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land George Frideric Handel 0:41
9 2-9 Aria-tenor: But Thou Didst Not Leave George Frideric Handel 2:38
10 2-10 Chorus: Lift Up Your Heads George Frideric Handel 3:14
11 2-11 Recitative-tenor: Unto Which Of The Angels George Frideric Handel 0:19
12 2-12 Chorus: Let All The Angels Of God Worship Him George Frideric Handel 1:18
13 2-13 Aria-alto: Thou Art Gone Up On High George Frideric Handel 3:19
14 2-14 Chorus: The Lord Gave The Word George Frideric Handel 1:08
15 2-15 Aria-soprano: How Beautiful Are The Feet George Frideric Handel 3:02
16 2-16 Chorus: Their Sound Is Gone Out George Frideric Handel 1:14
17 2-17 Aria-bass: Why Do The Nations? George Frideric Handel 2:58
18 2-18 Chorus: Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder George Frideric Handel 1:52
19 2-19 Recitative-tenor: He That Dwelleth In Heaven George Frideric Handel 0:17
20 2-20 Aria-tenor: Thou Shalt Break Them George Frideric Handel 2:16
21 2-21 Chorus: Hallelujah George Frideric Handel 3:37
22 2-22 Aria-soprano: I Know That My Redeemer Liveth George Frideric Handel 7:18
23 2-23 Chorus: Since By Man Came Death George Frideric Handel 1:58
24 2-24 Recitative-bass: Behold I Tell You A Mystery George Frideric Handel 0:43
25 2-25 Aria-bass: The Trumpet Shall Sound George Frideric Handel 8:45
26 2-26 Recitative-alto: Then Shall Be Brought To Pass George Frideric Handel 0:20
27 2-27 Duet Alto & Tenor: O Death, Where Is Thy Sting? George Frideric Handel 1:11
28 2-28 Chorus: But Thanks Be To God George Frideric Handel 2:25
29 2-29 Aria-soprano: If God Be For Us George Frideric Handel 5:30
30 2-30 Chorus: Worthy Is The Lamb...Amen George Frideric Handel 6:41
Brilliant Classics
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1 Sinfonia Handel 2:54
2 2 Comfort ye Handel 3:07
3 3 Ev Ry Valley Shall Be Exalted Handel 3:17
4 4 And The Glory Of The Lord Handel 2:48
5 5 For Unto Us A Child Is Born Handel 3:52
6 6 Pastoral Symphony Handel 3:23
7 7 And Suddenly Handel 0:17
8 8 Glory To God Handel 1:47
9 9 Rejoice Greatly Handel 4:44
10 10 And He Shall Feed His Flock Handel 5:43
11 11 His Yoko Is Easy Handel 2:17
12 12 He Was Despised Handel 12:13
13 13 Surely, He Hath Borne Handel 1:46
14 14 All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray Handel 3:52
15 15 The Lord Gave The Word Handel 1:06
16 16 Why Do The Nations? Handel 2:40
17 17 Hallelujah Handel 3:49
18 18 I Know That My Redeemer Liveth Handel 6:36
19 19 Worthy Is The Lamb... Amen Handel 7:10
467 475-2
0 28946 74752 0
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1-1 Overture George Frideric Handel
2 1-2 Comfort Ye George Frideric Handel
3 1-3 Every Valley Shall Be Exalted George Frideric Handel
4 1-4 And The Glory Of The Lord George Frideric Handel
5 1-5 Thus Saith The Lord George Frideric Handel
6 1-6 But Who May Abide George Frideric Handel
7 1-7 And He Shall Purify George Frideric Handel
8 1-8 Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive... O Thou That Tellest George Frideric Handel
9 1-9 For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover The Earth George Frideric Handel
10 1-10 The People That Walked In Darkness George Frideric Handel
11 1-11 For Unto Us A Child Is Born George Frideric Handel
12 1-12 Pastoral Symphony George Frideric Handel
13 1-13 There Were Whepherds Abiding In The Field George Frideric Handel
14 1-14 Glory To God George Frideric Handel
15 1-15 Rejoice Greatly George Frideric Handel
16 1-16 He Shall Feed His Flock George Frideric Handel
17 1-17 His Yoke Is Easy George Frideric Handel
18 1-18 Behold The Lamb Of God George Frideric Handel
19 1-19 He Was Despised George Frideric Handel
Media 2: CD
Track Artist
1 2-1 Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs George Frideric Handel
2 2-2 And With His Stripes George Frideric Handel
3 2-3 All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray George Frideric Handel
4 2-4 All They That See Him... He Trusted In God George Frideric Handel
5 2-5 Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart George Frideric Handel
6 2-6 Behold And See George Frideric Handel
7 2-7 He Was Cut Off... But Thou Didst Not Leave George Frideric Handel
8 2-8 Lift Up Your Heads George Frideric Handel
9 2-9 Unto Which Of The Angels... Let All The Angels Of God George Frideric Handel
10 2-10 Thou Art Gone Up On High George Frideric Handel
11 2-11 The Lord Gave The Word George Frideric Handel
12 2-12 How Beautiful Are The Feet George Frideric Handel
13 2-13 Their Sound Is Gone Out George Frideric Handel
14 2-14 Why Do The Nations So Furiously Rage Together George Frideric Handel
15 2-15 Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder George Frideric Handel
16 2-16 He That Dwelleth In Heaven George Frideric Handel
17 2-17 Hallelujah George Frideric Handel
18 2-18 I Know That My Redeemer Liveth George Frideric Handel
19 2-19 Since By Man Came Death George Frideric Handel
20 2-20 Behold, I Tell You A Mystery... The Trumpet Shall Sound George Frideric Handel
21 2-21 Then Shall Be Brought To Pass... O Death, Where Is Thy Sting? George Frideric Handel
22 2-22 If God Be For Us George Frideric Handel
23 2-23 Worthy Is The Lamb George Frideric Handel
Warner Music Vision
7 06301 78342 9
Media 1: DVD
Track Artist
1 1 Chapter 1 Comfort Ye, Comfort Ye, My People G F Handel
2 2 Chapter 2 Thus Saith The Lord Of Hosts G F Handel
3 3 Chapter 3 Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive G F Handel
4 4 Chapter 4 For Unto Us A Child Is Born G F Handel
5 5 Chapter 5 Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion G F Handel
6 6 Chapter 6 He Shall Feed His Flock Like A Shepherd G F Handel
7 7 Chaper 7 Behold The Lamb God G F Handel
8 8 Chapter 8 Thou Art Gone Up On High G F Handel
9 9 Chaper 9 How Beautiful Are The Feet G F Handel
10 10 Chapter 10 Why Do The Nations So Furiously Rape Together G F Handel
11 11 Chapter 11 Hallelujah Chorus G F Handel
12 12 Chapter 12 I Know That My Redeemer Liveth G F Handel
13 13 Chapter 13 Behold I Tell You A Mystery G F Handel
14 14 Chapter 14 O Death, Where Is Thy Sting G F Handel
15 15 Chapter 15 If God Be For Us G F Handel
16 16 Chapter 16 Worthy Is The Lamb G F Handel
17 17 Chapter 17 Credit G F Handel