Albunack provides artist discographies by bringing together two of the largest music information databases MusicBrainz and Discogs. This information is stored on a dedicated server giving fast and reliable service, Albunack is used to power the SongKong and Jaikoz music tagger applications.

ZUN Discography

This discography page was generated on 11-Feb-2025

This Albunack discography lists all releases groups by ZUN (b8155f6d-7852-4486-97d9-1b7fdda3fa08) where they are credited as the only release artist and releases by the equivalent Discogs artist (721815). Releases that they appear on as only a track artist are not shown. The top level release-group can be opened to show each release version, and each of these can be opened to show the track listing (including the Bpm of the tracks if in the database).

We found 19 MusicBrainz releases and 617 Discogs releases

Albunack also suggests Discogs releases that seem to be equivalent to a MusicBrainz release, and you can link these using the link button. Sometimes Albunack is unable to find a good match to a Discogs release but you may be able to see a good match so it allows you to provide a link to any Discogs release via the custom_link button. You can also import Discogs releases into MusicBrainz using the import button, these are both available from the Action column for the release In all cases Albunack prepopulates the MusicBrainz Release Editor with the new information but you still need to check and submit the information. Please ensure you are already logged into the MusicBrainz website before attempting to link or import a release or it will not work.

Only show Official releases:No Yes

Only show MusicBrainz releases with matches to Potential Discogs releases:No Yes


2002 蓬莱人形 ~ Dolls In Pseudo Paradise - Zun's Music Collection Vol. I Discogs release
2003 蓮台野夜行 ~ Ghostly Field Club Discogs release
2004 夢違科学世紀 ~ Changeability Of Strange Dream Discogs release
2006 卯酉東海道 ~ Retrospective 53 Minutes Discogs release
2006 大空魔術 ~ Magical Astronomy Discogs release
2006 幺樂団の歴史1 Akyu's Untouched Score Vol.1 Discogs release
2006 幺樂団の歴史3 Akyu's Untouched Score Vol.3 Discogs release
2006 幺樂団の歴史2 Akyu's Untouched Score Vol.2 Discogs release
2007 幺樂団の歴史5 Akyu's Untouched Score Vol.5 Discogs release
2007 幺樂団の歴史4 Akyu's Untouched Score Vol.4 Discogs release
2012 鳥船遺跡 ~ Trojan Green Asteroid Discogs release
2012 伊弉諾物質 ~ Neo-traditionalism Of Japan. Discogs release
2016 燕石博物誌 ~ Dr. Latency's Freak Report Discogs release
2016 旧約酒場 ~ Dateless Bar "Old Adam" Discogs release

Album Soundtrack

1996 東方靈異伝 〜 Highly Responsive to Prayers MusicBrainz Release Group Linked to 0 Discogs release Possible links for 0 Discogs release Additional 0 Discogs release
1997 東方夢時空 〜 Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream MusicBrainz Release Group Linked to 0 Discogs release Possible links for 0 Discogs release Additional 0 Discogs release
1997 東方封魔録 〜 Story of Eastern Wonderland MusicBrainz Release Group Linked to 0 Discogs release Possible links for 0 Discogs release Additional 0 Discogs release
1998 東方幻想郷 〜 Lotus Land Story MusicBrainz Release Group Linked to 0 Discogs release Possible links for 0 Discogs release Additional 0 Discogs release
1998 東方怪綺談 〜 Mystic Square MusicBrainz Release Group Linked to 0 Discogs release Possible links for 0 Discogs release Additional 0 Discogs release
2000 秋霜玉 MusicBrainz Release Group Linked to 0 Discogs release Possible links for 0 Discogs release Additional 0 Discogs release
2001 稀翁玉 MusicBrainz Release Group Linked to 0 Discogs release Possible links for 0 Discogs release Additional 0 Discogs release


2005 東方文花帖 ~ Bohemian Archive In Japanese Red Discogs release
2006 東方求聞史紀 ~ Perfect Memento In Strict Sense. Discogs release
2008 東方三月精 ~ Strange And Bright Nature Deity (1) Discogs release
2008 東方儚月抄 ~ Silent Sinner In Blue Discogs release
2009 グリモワール オブ マリサ = The Grimoire Of Marisa Discogs release
2011 未知の花 魅知の旅 Discogs release
2021 虹色のセプテントリオン Discogs release