MusicBrainz Releases already linked to Discogs
Cat no
Cat no
12" Vinyl
Blanco y Negro Records
Blanco Y Negro
0 22924 07901 6
Media 1: 12" Vinyl
Track Artist
Discogs Title
Track Artist
Discogs Duration
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:03 121.9881 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:17 154.8702 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain
3 A3 Taste the Floor The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:57 129.245 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:41 128.9166 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:48 104.809 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain
6 A6 In a Hole The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:02 77.7988 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain
7 A7 Taste of Cindy The Jesus and Mary Chain 1:41 136.771 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:58 84.1873 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:10 74.1416 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:51 124.9256 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:31 149.9734 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:27 128.6297 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus and Mary Chain 4:03 137.6117 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:36 143.1822 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain
Reprise Records
9 25383-2
Reprise Records
9 25383-2
0 7599-25383-2 9
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
Discogs Title
Track Artist
Discogs Duration
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:03 121.9881 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:03
2 2 The Living End The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:17 154.8702 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:17
3 3 Taste the Floor The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:57 129.245 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:57
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:41 128.9166 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:40
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:48 104.809 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
6 6 In a Hole The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:02 77.7988 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:02
7 7 Taste of Cindy The Jesus and Mary Chain 1:41 136.771 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:41
8 8 Never Understand The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:58 84.1873 8 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 9 Inside Me The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:10 74.1416 9 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:10
10 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:51 124.9256 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:51
11 11 My Little Underground The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:31 149.9734 11 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:31
12 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:27 128.6297 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:26
13 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus and Mary Chain 4:03 137.6117 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:02
14 14 It's So Hard The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:36 143.1822 14 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
12" Vinyl
Reprise Records
9 25383-1
Reprise Records, Blanco Y Negro
9 25383-1, 9 25383-1
0 7599-25383-1
Media 1: 12" Vinyl
Track Artist
Discogs Title
Track Artist
Discogs Duration
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:03 121.9881 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:17 154.8702 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste the Floor The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:57 129.245 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:41 128.9166 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:48 104.809 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In a Hole The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:02 77.7988 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste of Cindy The Jesus and Mary Chain 1:41 136.771 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:58 84.1873 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:10 74.1416 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:51 124.9256 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:31 149.9734 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:27 128.6297 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus and Mary Chain 4:03 137.6117 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:36 143.1822 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Blanco y Negro Records
Blanco Y Negro
242 000-2
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
Discogs Title
Track Artist
Discogs Duration
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:03 121.9881 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 2 The Living End The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:17 154.8702 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 3 Taste the Floor The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:57 129.245 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:40 128.9166 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:47 104.809 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 6 In a Hole The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:02 77.7988 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 7 Taste of Cindy The Jesus and Mary Chain 1:42 136.771 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 8 Some Candy Talking The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:19 113.1475 8 Some Candy Talking The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:15
9 9 Never Understand The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:58 84.1873 9 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
10 10 Inside Me The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:10 74.1416 10 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
11 11 Sowing Seeds The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:51 124.9256 11 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
12 12 My Little Underground The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:31 149.9734 12 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
13 13 You Trip Me Up The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:26 128.6297 13 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
14 14 Something's Wrong The Jesus and Mary Chain 4:02 137.6117 14 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
15 15 It's So Hard The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:37 143.1822 15 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Blanco y Negro Records, WEA Records
242 000-2, 242 000-2
WEA, Blanco Y Negro, WEA
242 000-2, 242 000-2, 242 000-2
0 22924 20002 1
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
Discogs Title
Track Artist
Discogs Duration
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:03 121.9881 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 2 The Living End The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:17 154.8702 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 3 Taste the Floor The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:57 129.245 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:40 128.9166 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:47 104.809 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 6 In a Hole The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:02 77.7988 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 7 Taste of Cindy The Jesus and Mary Chain 1:42 136.771 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 8 Some Candy Talking The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:19 113.1475 8 Some Candy Talking The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:15
9 9 Never Understand The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:58 84.1873 9 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
10 10 Inside Me The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:10 74.1416 10 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
11 11 Sowing Seeds The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:51 124.9256 11 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
12 12 My Little Underground The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:31 149.9734 12 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
13 13 You Trip Me Up The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:26 128.6297 13 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
14 14 Something's Wrong The Jesus and Mary Chain 4:02 137.6117 14 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
15 15 It's So Hard The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:37 143.1822 15 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Blanco y Negro Records, wea
WMC5-204, WMC5-204
WEA, Blanco Y Negro, WEA
WMC5-204, WMC5-204, WMC5-204
4 988053 602043
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
Discogs Title
Track Artist
Discogs Duration
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:03 121.9881 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:03
2 2 The Living End The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:17 154.8702 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:17
3 3 Taste the Floor The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:57 129.245 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:57
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:40 128.9166 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:40
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:47 104.809 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
6 6 In a Hole The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:02 77.7988 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:02
7 7 Taste of Cindy The Jesus and Mary Chain 1:42 136.771 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:41
8 8 Some Candy Talking The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:19 113.1475 8 Some Candy Talking The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:15
9 9 Never Understand The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:58 84.1873 9 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
10 10 Inside Me The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:10 74.1416 10 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:10
11 11 Sowing Seeds The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:51 124.9256 11 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:51
12 12 My Little Underground The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:31 149.9734 12 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:31
13 13 You Trip Me Up The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:26 128.6297 13 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:26
14 14 Something's Wrong The Jesus and Mary Chain 4:02 137.6117 14 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:02
15 15 It's So Hard The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:37 143.1822 15 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
12" Vinyl
Reprise Records
R1 78059
Reprise Records
R1 78059
0 8122-78059-1 3
Media 1: 12" Vinyl
Track Artist
Discogs Title
Track Artist
Discogs Duration
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:03 121.9881 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:17 154.8702 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:15
3 A3 Taste the Floor The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:57 129.245 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:55
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:41 128.9166 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:39
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:48 104.809 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In a Hole The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:02 77.7988 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste of Cindy The Jesus and Mary Chain 1:41 136.771 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:42
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:58 84.1873 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:57
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:10 74.1416 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:09
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:51 124.9256 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:49
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:31 149.9734 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:32
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:27 128.6297 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:24
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus and Mary Chain 4:03 137.6117 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:02
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:36 143.1822 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:40
8122 77671 2
Rhino Records , Blanco Y Negro
8122 77671 2, 8122 77671 2
0 8122 77671 2 9
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
Discogs Title
Track Artist
Discogs Duration
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:03 121.9881 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:03
2 2 The Living End The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:17 154.8702 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:17
3 3 Taste the Floor The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:57 129.245 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:57
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:41 128.9166 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:40
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:48 104.809 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
6 6 In a Hole The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:02 77.7988 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:02
7 7 Taste of Cindy The Jesus and Mary Chain 1:41 136.771 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:41
8 8 Never Understand The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:58 84.1873 8 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 9 Inside Me The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:10 74.1416 9 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:10
10 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:51 124.9256 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:51
11 11 My Little Underground The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:31 149.9734 11 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:31
12 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:27 128.6297 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:26
13 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus and Mary Chain 4:03 137.6117 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:02
14 14 It's So Hard The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:36 143.1822 14 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
DualDisc (CD side), DualDisc (DVD-Video side)
R2 73379
Rhino Records , Blanco Y Negro
R2 73379, [none]
Media 1: DualDisc (CD side)
Track Artist
Discogs Title
Track Artist
Discogs Duration
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:02 121.9881 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 2 The Living End The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:16 154.8702 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 3 Taste the Floor The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:57 129.245 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:39 128.9166 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:46 104.809 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 6 In a Hole The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:03 77.7988 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 7 Taste of Cindy The Jesus and Mary Chain 1:42 136.771 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 8 Never Understand The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:59 84.1873 8 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 9 Inside Me The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:10 74.1416 9 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:50 124.9256 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 11 My Little Underground The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:31 149.9734 11 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:26 128.6297 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus and Mary Chain 4:03 137.6117 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 14 It's So Hard The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:38 143.1822 14 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Media 2: DualDisc (DVD-Video side)
Track Artist
Discogs Title
Track Artist
Discogs Duration
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:01 121.9881 DVD1 Entire Album In Enhanced Stereo The Jesus And Mary Chain
2 2 The Living End The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:16 154.8702 DVD2 Just Like Honey (Video) The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:23
3 3 Taste the Floor The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:57 129.245 DVD3 Never Understand (Video) The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:04
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:39 128.9166 DVD4 You Trip Me Up (Video) The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:42
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:46 104.809
6 6 In a Hole The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:03 77.7988
7 7 Taste of Cindy The Jesus and Mary Chain 1:43 136.771
8 8 Never Understand The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:59 84.1873
9 9 Inside Me The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:10 74.1416
10 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:50 124.9256
11 11 My Little Underground The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:31 149.9734
12 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:26 128.6297
13 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus and Mary Chain 4:03 137.6117
14 14 It's So Hard The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:39 143.1822
15 15 Just Like Honey The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:23
16 16 Never Understand The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:04 84.1873
17 17 You Trip Me Up The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:42 113.9199
DualDisc (CD side), DualDisc (DVD-Video side)
R2 73379
Rhino Records , Blanco Y Negro
R2 73379, R2 73379
Media 1: DualDisc (CD side)
Track Artist
Discogs Title
Track Artist
Discogs Duration
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:00 121.9881 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 2 The Living End The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:14 154.8702 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 3 Taste the Floor The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:54 129.245 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:36 128.9166 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:45 104.809 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 6 In a Hole The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:01 77.7988 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 7 Taste of Cindy The Jesus and Mary Chain 1:39 136.771 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 8 Never Understand The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:58 84.1873 8 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 9 Inside Me The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:08 74.1416 9 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:47 124.9256 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 11 My Little Underground The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:30 149.9734 11 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:22 128.6297 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus and Mary Chain 4:00 137.6117 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 14 It's So Hard The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:35 143.1822 14 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Media 2: DualDisc (DVD-Video side)
Track Artist
Discogs Title
Track Artist
Discogs Duration
1 1 Entire Album in Enhanced Stereo The Jesus and Mary Chain DVD1 Entire Album In Enhanced Stereo The Jesus And Mary Chain
2 2 Just Like Honey (video) The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:23 DVD2 Just Like Honey (Video) The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:23
3 3 Never Understand (video) The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:04 84.1873 DVD3 Never Understand (Video) The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:04
4 4 You Trip Me Up (video) The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:42 113.9199 DVD4 You Trip Me Up (Video) The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:42
Blanco y Negro Records, Rhino
Rhino Records , Blanco Y Negro
8122776712, 8122776712
9 325583 038624
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
Discogs Title
Track Artist
Discogs Duration
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:03 121.9881 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:03
2 2 The Living End The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:17 154.8702 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:16
3 3 Taste the Floor The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:57 129.245 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:56
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:41 128.9166 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:40
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:48 104.809 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
6 6 In a Hole The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:02 77.7988 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:02
7 7 Taste of Cindy The Jesus and Mary Chain 1:41 136.771 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:42
8 8 Never Understand The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:58 84.1873 8 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:57
9 9 Inside Me The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:10 74.1416 9 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:09
10 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:51 124.9256 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:50
11 11 My Little Underground The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:31 149.9734 11 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:27 128.6297 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:26
13 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus and Mary Chain 4:03 137.6117 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:01
14 14 It's So Hard The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:36 143.1822 14 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:37
Blanco y Negro Music, Rhino
R2 436348, R2 436348
Rhino Records , Blanco Y Negro
R2 436348, R2 436348
0 8122 79937 02
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
Discogs Title
Track Artist
Discogs Duration
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:03 121.9881 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:03
2 2 The Living End The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:17 154.8702 2 The Living Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:16
3 3 Taste the Floor The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:57 129.245 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:56
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:41 128.9166 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:40
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:48 104.809 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
6 6 In a Hole The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:02 77.7988 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:02
7 7 Taste of Cindy The Jesus and Mary Chain 1:41 136.771 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:42
8 8 Never Understand The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:58 84.1873 8 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:57
9 9 Inside Me The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:10 74.1416 9 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:09
10 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:51 124.9256 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:50
11 11 My Little Underground The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:31 149.9734 11 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:27 128.6297 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:26
13 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus and Mary Chain 4:03 137.6117 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:01
14 14 It's So Hard The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:36 143.1822 14 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:37
Rhino Records , Upfront, The Times
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
Discogs Title
Track Artist
Discogs Duration
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:03 121.9881 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:03
2 2 The Living End The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:17 154.8702 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:19
3 3 Taste the Floor The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:57 129.245 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:59
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:41 128.9166 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:39
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:48 104.809 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:51
6 6 In a Hole The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:02 77.7988 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:06
7 7 Taste of Cindy The Jesus and Mary Chain 1:41 136.771 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:42
8 8 Never Understand The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:58 84.1873 8 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
9 9 Inside Me The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:10 74.1416 9 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:11
10 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:51 124.9256 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:52
11 11 My Little Underground The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:31 149.9734 11 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:34
12 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:27 128.6297 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:26
13 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus and Mary Chain 4:03 137.6117 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:05
14 14 It's So Hard The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:36 143.1822 14 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:38
CD, CD, DVD-Video
Edsel Records
Rhino Records , Edsel Records
EDSG 8006, EDSG 8006
7 40155 80063 5
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
Discogs Title
Track Artist
Discogs Duration
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:03 121.9881 CD1-1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:03
2 2 The Living End The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:17 154.8702 CD1-2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:16
3 3 Taste the Floor The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:57 129.245 CD1-3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:56
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:37 128.9166 CD1-4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:37
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:47 104.809 CD1-5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:46
6 6 In a Hole The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:02 77.7988 CD1-6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:02
7 7 Taste of Cindy The Jesus and Mary Chain 1:41 136.771 CD1-7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:40
8 8 Never Understand The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:58 84.1873 CD1-8 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:57
9 9 Inside Me The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:10 74.1416 CD1-9 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:09
10 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:50 124.9256 CD1-10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:50
11 11 My Little Underground The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:31 149.9734 CD1-11 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:31
12 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:25 128.6297 CD1-12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:25
13 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus and Mary Chain 4:01 137.6117 CD1-13 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:01
14 14 It's So Hard The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:41 143.1822 CD1-14 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:41
15 15 Suck The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:08 137.2911 CD1-15 Suck The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:08
16 16 Ambition The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:31 154.6033 CD1-16 Ambition The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:31
17 17 Just Out of Reach The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:09 CD1-17 Just Out Of Reach The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:08
18 18 Boyfriend's Dead The Jesus and Mary Chain 1:43 140.6383 CD1-18 Boyfriend's Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:42
19 19 Head The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:53 135.4777 CD1-19 Head The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:52
20 20 Cracked The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:48 93.8637 CD1-20 Cracked The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:48
Media 2: CD
Track Artist
Discogs Title
Track Artist
Discogs Duration
1 1 Upside Down The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:00 152.0402 CD2-1 Upside Down The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:59
2 2 Vegetable Man The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:35 129.2152 CD2-2 Vegetable Man The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:34
3 3 In a Hole (John Peel session 23rd October 1984) The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:41 CD2-3 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:41
4 4 You Trip Me Up (John Peel session 23rd October 1984) The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:07 CD2-4 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:07
5 5 Never Understand (John Peel session 23rd October 1984) The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:08 CD2-5 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
6 6 Taste the Floor (John Peel session 23rd October 1984) The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:08 CD2-6 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
7 7 The Living End (John Peel session 3rd February 1985) The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:15 CD2-7 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:15
8 8 Inside Me (John Peel session 3rd February 1985) The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:01 CD2-8 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
9 9 Just Like Honey (John Peel session 3rd February 1985) The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:49 CD2-9 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:48
10 10 Some Candy Talking (John Peel session 29th October 1985) The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:13 CD2-10 Some Candy Talking The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:12
11 11 Psychocandy (John Peel session 29th October 1985) The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:01 CD2-11 Psychocandy The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:00
12 12 You Trip Me Up (John Peel session 29th October 1985) The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:41 CD2-12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:40
13 13 Cut Dead (John Peel session 29th October 1985) The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:47 CD2-13 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:46
14 14 Up Too High (demo) The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:44 CD2-14 Up Too High The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:43
15 15 Upside Down (demo) The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:10 CD2-15 Upside Down The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:09
16 16 Never Understand (demo) The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:18 CD2-16 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:18
17 17 Taste the Floor (demo) The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:06 CD2-17 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:06
18 18 In a Hole (demo) The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:42 CD2-18 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:41
19 19 Something's Wrong (demo) The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:27 CD2-19 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:26
20 20 Just Like Honey (demo) The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:58 CD2-20 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:57
21 21 The Living End (demo) The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:16 CD2-21 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:16
22 22 My Little Underground (demo) The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:33 CD2-22 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:32
23 23 Never Understand (alternate version) The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:25 CD2-23 Never Understand (Alternate Version) The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:25
24 24 Jesus Fuck The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:30 CD2-24 Jesus Fuck The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:29
Media 3: DVD-Video
Track Artist
Discogs Title
Track Artist
Discogs Duration
1 1 Never Understand The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:02 84.1873 DVD-1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:02
2 2 You Trip Me Up The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:27 113.9199 DVD-2 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:27
3 3 Just Like Honey The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:02 126.9181 DVD-3 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:02
4 4 In a Hole (Old Grey Whistle Test) The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:40 DVD-4 In A Hole (Old Grey Whistle Test) The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:40
5 5 Riot at North London Polytechnic (interview and live clips) The Jesus and Mary Chain 6:46 DVD-5 Riot At North London Polytechnic (Interview And Live Clips) The Jesus And Mary Chain 6:46
6 6 Interview (VRT, Belgium) The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:29 DVD-6 Interview (VRT, Belgium) The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:29
7 7 Never Understand (VRT, Belgium) The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:54 DVD-7 Never Understand (VRT, Belgium) The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
8 8 Just Like Honey (The Tube) The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:08 DVD-8 Just Like Honey (The Tube) The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
9 9 Inside Me (The Tube) The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:44 DVD-9 Inside Me (The Tube) The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:44
10 10 Upside Down Film Trailer The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:21 DVD-10 Upside Down Film Trailer The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:21
Blanco y Negro Records
Blanco Y Negro
242 000-2
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
Discogs Title
Track Artist
Discogs Duration
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:03 121.9881 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 2 The Living End The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:17 154.8702 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 3 Taste the Floor The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:57 129.245 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:40 128.9166 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:47 104.809 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 6 In a Hole The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:02 77.7988 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 7 Taste of Cindy The Jesus and Mary Chain 1:42 136.771 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 8 Some Candy Talking The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:19 113.1475 8 Some Candy Talking The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:15
9 9 Never Understand The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:58 84.1873 9 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
10 10 Inside Me The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:10 74.1416 10 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
11 11 Sowing Seeds The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:51 124.9256 11 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
12 12 My Little Underground The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:31 149.9734 12 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
13 13 You Trip Me Up The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:26 128.6297 13 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
14 14 Something's Wrong The Jesus and Mary Chain 4:02 137.6117 14 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
15 15 It's So Hard The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:37 143.1822 15 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
MusicBrainz Releases where no link to Discogs have been found
Cat no
Blanco y Negro Records
BYNC 7 240790-1
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:03 121.9881
2 2 The Living End The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:17 154.8702
3 3 Taste the Floor The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:57 129.245
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:41 128.9166
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:48 104.809
6 6 In a Hole The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:02 77.7988
7 7 Taste of Cindy The Jesus and Mary Chain 1:41 136.771
8 8 Never Understand The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:58 84.1873
9 9 Inside Me The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:10 74.1416
10 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:51 124.9256
11 11 My Little Underground The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:31 149.9734
12 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:27 128.6297
13 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus and Mary Chain 4:03 137.6117
14 14 It's So Hard The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:36 143.1822
Digital Media
Media 1: Digital Media
Track Artist
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:02 121.9881
2 2 The Living End The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:15 154.8702
3 3 Taste the Floor The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:56 129.245
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:37 128.9166
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:45 104.809
6 6 In a Hole The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:02 77.7988
7 7 Taste of Cindy The Jesus and Mary Chain 1:41 136.771
8 8 Never Understand The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:58 84.1873
9 9 Inside Me The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:09 74.1416
10 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:49 124.9256
11 11 My Little Underground The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:31 149.9734
12 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:25 128.6297
13 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus and Mary Chain 4:02 137.6117
14 14 It's So Hard The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:37 143.1822
15 15 Suck (single version) The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:07
16 16 Ambition (single version) The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:29
17 17 Just Out of Reach The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:07
18 18 Boyfriend's Dead (single version) The Jesus and Mary Chain 1:41
19 19 Head (single version) The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:49 135.4777
20 20 Cracked (single version) The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:45 93.8637
21 21 Upside Down (single version) The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:59 152.0402
22 22 Vegetable Man (single version) The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:34
23 23 Just Like Honey (demo version) The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:57
24 24 The Living End (demo version) The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:16
25 25 My Little Underground (demo version) The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:32
26 26 Never Understand (alternate version) The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:24
27 27 Jesus Fuck The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:29
Digital Media
Media 1: Digital Media
Track Artist
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:02 121.9881
2 2 The Living End The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:15 154.8702
3 3 Taste the Floor The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:56 129.245
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:37 128.9166
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:45 104.809
6 6 In a Hole The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:02 77.7988
7 7 Taste of Cindy The Jesus and Mary Chain 1:41 136.771
8 8 Never Understand The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:58 84.1873
9 9 Inside Me The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:09 74.1416
10 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:49 124.9256
11 11 My Little Underground The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:31 149.9734
12 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:25 128.6297
13 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus and Mary Chain 4:02 137.6117
14 14 It's So Hard The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:37 143.1822
15 15 Suck (single version) The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:07
16 16 Ambition (single version) The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:29
17 17 Just Out of Reach The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:07
18 18 Boyfriend's Dead (single version) The Jesus and Mary Chain 1:41
19 19 Head (single version) The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:49 135.4777
20 20 Cracked (single version) The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:45 93.8637
21 21 Upside Down (single version) The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:59 152.0402
22 22 Vegetable Man (single version) The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:34
23 23 Just Like Honey (demo version) The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:57
24 24 The Living End (demo version) The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:16
25 25 My Little Underground (demo version) The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:32
26 26 Never Understand (alternate version) The Jesus and Mary Chain 3:24
27 27 Jesus Fuck The Jesus and Mary Chain 2:29
Discogs Releases not linked to MusicBrainz
Cat no
Blanco Y Negro
0 22924 07901 6
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Not On Label
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Reprise Records, Blanco Y Negro
1-25383, 1-25383
0 7599-25383-1
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Reprise Records, Blanco Y Negro
1-25383, 1-25383
0 7599-25383-1
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:16
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:56
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:39
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:42
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:57
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:09
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:49
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:32
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:24
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:02
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:40
Blanco Y Negro
0 22924 07901 6
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Blanco Y Negro
0 22924 07901 6
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Blanco Y Negro
0 22924 07904 7
Media 1: Cassette
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain
Blanco Y Negro
240 790-1
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain
Blanco Y Negro
0 22924 07904 7
Media 1: Cassette
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain
Reprise Records, Blanco Y Negro
9 25383-4, 4-25383
Media 1: Cassette
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
240 790-4, 240 790-4
Media 1: Cassette
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain
7 A7 Taste Of Candy The Jesus And Mary Chain
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain
24 07904, 24 07904
Media 1: Cassette
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Blanco Y Negro
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Blanco Y Negro
240 790-1
0 22924 07901 6
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
240 790-1, 240 790-1
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain
7 A7 Taste Of Candy The Jesus And Mary Chain
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain
Blanco Y Negro
Media 1: Cassette
Track Artist
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain
2 2 The Living Edge The Jesus And Mary Chain
3 3 Taste the Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain
6 6 In a Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain
7 7 Taste of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain
8 8 Never Understood The Jesus And Mary Chain
9 9 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain
10 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain
11 11 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain
12 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain
13 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain
14 14 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain
Blanco Y Negro
0 22924 07901 6
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Reprise Records, Blanco Y Negro
9 25383-4, 4-25383
Media 1: Cassette
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
240790-1, 240790-1
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
89113, 89113
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
99113, 99113
Media 1: Cassette
Track Artist
1 A1 Como La Miel = Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 El Final Viviente = The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Saborea El Piso = Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 El Camino Mas Duro = The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Marginado = Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 En Un Agujero = In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Sabor A Cindy = Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Nunca Entiendo = Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Dentro Mio = Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Siembras = Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 Mi PequeƱo Sotano = My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 Me Haces Viajar = You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Algo Esta Mal = Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 Es Tan Duro = It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Reprise Records, Blanco Y Negro
9 25383-1, 9 25383-1
0 7599-25383-1
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
24 07901, 24 07901
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Blanco Y Negro
0 22924 07901 6
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Blanco Y Negro
M 240790-4
Media 1: Cassette
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Blanco Y Negro
Media 1: Cassette
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
WEA, Blanco Y Negro, WEA
242 000-2, 242 000-2, 242 000-2
0 22924 20002 1
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 8 Some Candy Talking The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:15
9 9 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
10 10 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
11 11 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
12 12 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
13 13 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
14 14 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
15 15 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Blanco Y Negro
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Vinyl, 7" Vinyl
Blanco Y Negro
NEG 19
0 22924 07901 6
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Media 2: 7" Vinyl
Track Artist
1 C Some Candy Talking The Jesus And Mary Chain
2 D1 Psychocandy The Jesus And Mary Chain
3 D2 Hit The Jesus And Mary Chain
610.7068, 610.7068
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:02
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:15
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:55
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:37
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:41
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:57
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:50
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:23
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
Blanco Y Negro
0 22924 20004 5
Media 1: Cassette
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain
8 A8 Some Candy Talking The Jesus And Mary Chain
9 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain
10 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain
11 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain
12 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain
13 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain
14 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain
15 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain
Blanco Y Negro
4 027946 019152
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Some Candy Talking The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:15
9 B2 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
10 B3 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
11 B4 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
12 B5 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
13 B6 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
14 B7 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
15 B8 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Psycho Candy
761.7068, 761.7068
Media 1: Cassette
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Blanco Y Negro
0 22924 20004 5
Media 1: Cassette
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain
8 A8 Some Candy Talking The Jesus And Mary Chain
9 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain
10 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain
11 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain
12 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain
13 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain
14 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain
15 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain
Blanco Y Negro
0 22924 07901 6
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Blanco Y Negro, Jugoton, WEA, WEA
240 790-1, LSWEA 73258, 240 790-1, 240 790-1
0 22924 07901 6
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Blanco Y Negro, Jugoton
CAWEA 9365, CAWEA 9365
0 22924 20004 5
Media 1: Cassette
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 A8 Some Candy Talking The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:26
9 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
10 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
11 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
12 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
13 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
14 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
15 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
MG Records
MG 1281
Media 1: Cassette
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste the Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In a Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 A8 Some Candy Talking The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:15
9 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
10 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
11 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
12 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
13 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
14 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
15 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
American Recordings
9 25383-2
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:03
2 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:17
3 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:57
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:40
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
6 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:02
7 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:41
8 8 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 9 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:10
10 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:51
11 11 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:31
12 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:26
13 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:02
14 14 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
WEA Music, Blanco Y Negro
WPCR-1315, WPCR-1315
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 8 Some Candy Talking* The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:15
9 9 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
10 10 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
11 11 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
12 12 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
13 13 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
14 14 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
15 15 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Rhino Records , Blanco Y Negro
[none], [none]
Media 1: CD-R
Track Artist
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:03
2 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:17
3 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:57
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:40
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
6 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:02
7 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:41
8 8 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 9 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:10
10 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:51
11 11 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:31
12 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:26
13 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:02
14 14 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
Rhino Records , Blanco Y Negro
R2 73379, R2 73379
Media 1: Other
Track Artist
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 8 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 9 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 11 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 14 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
15 DVD1 Entire Album In Enhanced Stereo The Jesus And Mary Chain
16 DVD2 Just Like Honey (Video) The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:23
17 DVD3 Never Understand (Video) The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:04
18 DVD4 You Trip Me Up (Video) The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:42
Rhino Records , Blanco Y Negro
R2 436348, R2 436348
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:03
2 2 The Living Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:16
3 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:56
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:40
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
6 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:02
7 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:42
8 8 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:57
9 9 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:09
10 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:50
11 11 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:26
13 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:01
14 14 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:37
Rhino Records
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:03
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:17
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:57
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:40
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:02
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:41
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:10
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:51
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:31
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:26
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:02
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
Rhino Records , Blanco Y Negro
812277671-2, 812277671-2
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:03
2 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:16
3 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:56
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:40
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
6 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:02
7 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:42
8 8 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:57
9 9 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:09
10 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:50
11 11 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:26
13 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:01
14 14 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:37
Rhino Records
Media 1: CD-R
Track Artist
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
2 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:15
3 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:57
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:39
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:02
7 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:42
8 8 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 9 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:09
10 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:50
11 11 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:31
12 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:26
13 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:02
14 14 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:38
Blanco Y Negro
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:03
2 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:17
3 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:57
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:40
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
6 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:02
7 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:41
8 8 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 9 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:10
10 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:51
11 11 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:31
12 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:26
13 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:02
14 14 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
Blanco Y Negro
4 943674 081103
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:03
2 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:17
3 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:57
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:40
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
6 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:02
7 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:41
8 8 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 9 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:10
10 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:51
11 11 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:31
12 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:26
13 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:02
14 14 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
Blanco Y Negro
4 943674 081103
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:03
2 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:17
3 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:57
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:40
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
6 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:02
7 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:41
8 8 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 9 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:10
10 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:51
11 11 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:31
12 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:26
13 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:02
14 14 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
Demon Records
5 014797 139237
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Blanco Y Negro
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 8 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 9 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 19 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 11 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 14 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Demon Records
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain
Demon Records
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Reprise Records, Blanco Y Negro
R1 78059, R1 78059
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain
Demon Records
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Reprise Records, Blanco Y Negro
R1 78059, R1 78059
0 81227 80591 3
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:16
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:56
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:39
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:42
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:57
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:09
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:49
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:32
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:24
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:02
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:40
Reprise Records, Blanco Y Negro
R1 78059, R1 78059
0 81227 80591 3
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:15
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:55
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:39
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:42
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:57
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:09
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:49
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:32
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:24
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:02
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:40
Reprise Records, Blanco Y Negro
R1 78059, R1 78059
0 8122-78059-1 3
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:16
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:56
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:39
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:42
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:57
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:09
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:49
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:32
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:24
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:02
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:40
Reprise Records
9 25383-2
0 7599-25383-2 9
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:03
2 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:17
3 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:57
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:40
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
6 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:02
7 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:41
8 8 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 9 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:10
10 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:51
11 11 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:31
12 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:26
13 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:02
14 14 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
Reprise Records, Blanco Y Negro
9 25383-4, 4-25383
0 7599-25383-4
Media 1: Cassette
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Demon Records
5 014797 890534
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain
Blanco Y Negro
242 000-2
0 2292-42000-2 1
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 8 Some Candy Talking The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:15
9 9 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
10 10 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
11 11 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
12 12 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
13 13 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
14 14 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
15 15 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Blanco Y Negro
242 000-2
0 2292-42000-2 1
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 8 Some Candy Talking The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:15
9 9 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
10 10 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
11 11 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
12 12 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
13 13 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
14 14 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
15 15 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Blanco Y Negro
0 2292-42000-2 1
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 8 Some Candy Talking The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:15
9 9 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
10 10 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
11 11 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
12 12 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
13 13 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
14 14 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
15 15 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Reprise Records, Blanco Y Negro
9 25383-2, 9 25383-2
0 7599-25383-2 9
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:03
2 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:17
3 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:57
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:40
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
6 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:02
7 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:41
8 8 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 9 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:10
10 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:51
11 11 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:31
12 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:26
13 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:02
14 14 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
Bajo Bongo
Media 1: Cassette
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain
3 A3 Taste the Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain
6 A6 In a Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain
7 A7 Taste of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain
Def American Recordings, Reprise Records, Blanco Y Negro
9 25383-2, 9 25383-2, 9 25383-2
0 7599-25383-2 9
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:16
3 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:56
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:39
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:42
8 8 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:57
9 9 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:09
10 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:49
11 11 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:32
12 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:24
13 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:02
14 14 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:40
Psycho Candy
Green Club Riviera
Media 1: Cassette
Track Artist
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain
2 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain
3 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain
6 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain
7 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain
8 8 Guitar Man The Jesus And Mary Chain
9 9 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain
10 10 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain
11 11 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain
12 12 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain
13 13 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain
14 14 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain
15 15 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain
Reprise Records, Blanco Y Negro
R1 78059, R1 78059
0 8122-78059-1 3
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:16
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:56
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:39
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:42
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:57
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:09
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:49
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:32
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:24
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:02
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:40
American Recordings
9 25383-2
0 7599-25383-2 9
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:03
2 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:17
3 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:57
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:40
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
6 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:02
7 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:41
8 8 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 9 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:10
10 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:51
11 11 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:31
12 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:26
13 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:02
14 14 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
Def American Recordings, Reprise Records, Blanco Y Negro
9 25383-2, 9 25383-2, 9 25383-2
0 7599-25383-2 9
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:16
3 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:56
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:39
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:42
8 8 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:57
9 9 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:09
10 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:49
11 11 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:32
12 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:24
13 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:02
14 14 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:40
Blanco Y Negro
240 790
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Blanco Y Negro
0 2292-42000-2 1
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 8 Some Candy Talking The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:15
9 9 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
10 10 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
11 11 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
12 12 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
13 13 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
14 14 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
15 15 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
American Recordings
9 25383-2
0 7599-25383-2 9
Media 1: CD
Track Artist
1 1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:03
2 2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:17
3 3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:57
4 4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:40
5 5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
6 6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:02
7 7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:41
8 8 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 9 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:10
10 10 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:51
11 11 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:31
12 12 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:26
13 13 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:02
14 14 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
Reprise Records, Blanco Y Negro
1-25383, 1-25383
0 7599-25383-1
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35
Demon Records
Media 1: Vinyl
Track Artist
1 A1 Just Like Honey The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:00
2 A2 The Living End The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:14
3 A3 Taste The Floor The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:54
4 A4 The Hardest Walk The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:36
5 A5 Cut Dead The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:45
6 A6 In A Hole The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:01
7 A7 Taste Of Cindy The Jesus And Mary Chain 1:39
8 B1 Never Understand The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:58
9 B2 Inside Me The Jesus And Mary Chain 3:08
10 B3 Sowing Seeds The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:47
11 B4 My Little Underground The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:30
12 B5 You Trip Me Up The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:22
13 B6 Something's Wrong The Jesus And Mary Chain 4:00
14 B7 It's So Hard The Jesus And Mary Chain 2:35